How the New Moon in Scorpio of November 2023 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

The veil is thin in the depths of this shadowy season, so if you’re wondering how the new moon in Scorpio will affect each zodiac sign, prepare to confront and uncover the mysteries that lie within. A fixed water sign, Scorpio’s raw passion has the power to penetrate beyond the surface. Its Plutonian sorcery is a catalyst for alchemy and creation, but surrender is the key to your transformation.

Can you feel the intensity brewing faster than your body can keep up? If you know which astrological house belongs to Scorpio in your birth chart, you could feel tensions rising in this area of life, especially with the sun, Mercury, and Mars adding fuel to the fire. Be sure to tune into the deeper octaves of your most uncomfortable emotions and gain clarity from a visit with your shadow self. The parts of you that prefer to hide in the shadows are coming up to the surface. Eclipse season is now officially behind you and a new lunar cycle is beginning.

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On November 13—at exactly 4:27 a.m. ET—the moon will renew itself via 20 degrees of this fixed water sign. During this lunar phase, the sun joins forces with the moon, and the sky is at its darkest. However, the moon’s lack of visibility should never be underestimated, as it marks a time for magic, fertility and new beginnings. The darkness surrounding this lunar phase feels eerie, edgy, and unpredictable, but that’s an understatement when it comes of Scorpio’s heavy-handedness.

Sitting just two degrees away from Mars in Scorpio—right where the red planet is in its home zodiac sign, not to mention a force to be reckoned with—this lunation is highly charged and even still, that’s putting it lightly. Mars is aggressive, triggering, and audacious in its desire to charge ahead. While there are powerful activations occurring at this time, the way you harness this intense energy is key.

What are you looking to transform and essentially conquer in your life? With Mars conjunct the new moon, you not only have the courage and strength to face something head-on, but also the passion and focus to get it done. On a more rebellious note, the sun, moon and Mars will be making an opposition to electric Uranus, the planet of breakthroughs and unexpected change.

The new moon in Scorpio takes place on November 13 at 4:27 a.m. ET.

Keep in mind, Scorpio’s fixed waters can be equally as consistent as they are stubborn and ready to take the gloves off. That said, if you’ve been repressing your emotions about something in particular, or unconsciously denying a part of yourself, this new moon in Scorpio can ultimately set you free. Otherwise, be sure to steer away from environments and situations that don’t feel safe.

Don’t get it twisted—confronting your fears and shadowy attributes is essential to your growth under this new moon in Scorpio. However, it’s important to note that the influence of erratic Uranus can be both disruptive and volatile. Stay centered and resilient through the way you take care of yourself.

How the New Moon in Scorpio Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming new moon in Scorpio, according to your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):



Although Mars—your celestial ruler—is a formidable adversary when transiting the sign of Scorpio, its close proximity to the new moon and its opposition to freedom-loving Uranus could be especially triggering for you. For instance, if you’ve been unconsciously carrying around baggage surrounding financial trauma, or perhaps entangled with an energy that doesn’t serve you, this will be an opportunity to break free from these shackles and debts once and for all. Charging up your eighth house of mergers, shared resources, and energy exchanges, this new moon launches a new cycle surrounding your transformation, but you’ll have to face your fears in order to reach the other side of this metamorphosis. It’s time to claim what’s rightfully yours and unveil the shadow side of your intimate unions. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



The dark side of your commitments and the shadow following your relationships is becoming more difficult to ignore. Whether you look at these burdens in terms of what you consider stable or valuable, you’re being called to reconsider the approach you’re taking and where your instincts lie. While in conjunction with Mars, this new moon is renewing itself in Scorpio via your seventh house of compromise, negotiations, and contractual agreements. You’re not the most lenient when it comes to your possessiveness and your unwavering opinions, but the new moon’s opposition to Uranus in your sign is breaking you out of a toxic timeline. While there are many ways to cultivate this new-moon energy, the key is to face your fears when starting a new relationship storyline. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Your health is your wealth, Gemini. And with November’s new moon sitting alongside Mars in Scorpio—via your sixth house of mindfulness and work routines—this is an opportunity for you to harness your power in a productive and transformative way. Whether in terms of your mental or physical health, you’re long overdue a change in the way you manage your day-to-day affairs. Take a moment to reflect on your daily rituals and habitual process. If you’re feeling triggered by the shadow side of your responsibilities, health habits, and acts of service, this is all the more reason to confront the root of the issue and why you feel over- or under-worked. While in opposition to Uranus, you’re also breaking free from unconscious patterns and psychological motivations that could’ve been hindering your growth. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Whatever has been inhibiting you from maximizing your self-expression is coming up to the forefront during this new moon. While in close proximity to assertive Mars in Scorpio, this lunation encourages you to dig deep and reach for your sparkling muse, especially if you’ve looking for ways to enchant and romanticize your life. La luna will charge up your fifth house of authenticity, self-expression, and passion projects, and all while operating from an opposition to rebellious Uranus. Whether romantically or in terms of a body of work, there’s never been a better time to unleash your creative and artistic urges and commit to your soul’s contribution in the world. On another note, if you’ve been feeling stagnant in your creative approach—especially when it comes to the realm of dating and romance—a new cycle awaits you. Stay tuned, because you’re about to fall in love somehow, some way. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Everything from your emotional foundation to your home environment is under the influence of this supercharged lunation. Igniting your ancestral fourth house of family, living spaces, and your idea of security, this new moon will conjunct Mars in Scorpio, fueling the momentum in your personal life. And in the process, it will challenge you to confront the deepest and darkest parts of your emotional roots and sense of belonging. Fears and taboo surrounding your inner foundation and perception of “home” could be unveiled to you at this time, but the new moon’s opposition to Uranus could simultaneously shake things up with authority figures in your life. The phrase “breaking down to break through” has never been more fitting. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



Ready, set, manifest! Granted, there’s some work to do beforehand, but the seeds of your intentions are as fertile as ever under November’s new moon in Scorpio. Charging up your third house of immediate surroundings and thought processes—as well as siblings and close friendships—this new moon will join forces with assertive Mars in alchemical Scorpio, bringing out the shadow side of your communication style. Make no mistake—the way you perceive the world around you could suddenly become crystal clear. Whether you truly feel at-home in your local environment, you’re being called to confront the fears that cloud your daily interactions and reach for a more clandestine approach. While in opposition to erratic Uranus, la luna can help you transcend your limited belief systems and speak your truth. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



During this new moon, you are co-creating with the universe. Getting clear on your intentions is the main ingredient in the recipe for manifestation, so ask for exactly what you want from the powers that be. November’s new moon in Scorpio will charge up your stability-seeking second house of money, values, and sensual connections and all while sitting alongside aggressive Mars. Whether financially or in terms of your carnal desires, you’re being called to confront the shadow side of your impulses, spending habits, and the possessions you investment your self-esteem into. When you consider taboo influence of of Scorpio, you may find that your creature comforts and sensual pleasures could also be to your detriment, enticing you to try something different. Luna’s opposition to Uranus could bring shock and disruption into the mix, but you should know that it’s all conspiring towards a breakthrough. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



It doesn’t get any more personal than this new moon, so be sure to make it count, Scorpio. The sun and moon are joining forces in your zodiac sign, presenting you with a clean slate and brand-new beginning in terms of your identity and the way you see yourself. While in conjunction with Mars—your traditional ruler—you’re being encouraged to deep dive into your psyche and explore the shadow side of your persona, as well as the way you approach your relationship with others. Everything from your unconscious motivations to your fear of rejection could rise to the surface, but don’t let this news deter you. This new moon is wants you to yourself free by confronting the root of your triggers. Because this new moon is sitting in opposition to erratic Uranus, you should steer away from altercations and useless quarrels that lead nowhere. Things can go from zero to 100, and quickly! Aim for productive tactics when harnessing this supercharged new-moon energy, not petty ones. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



If you’ve been keeping to yourself more than usual as of late, the sun’s journey through your 12th house of solitude and spirituality is to blame. However, November’s new moon in Scorpio is urging you to go even deeper. Charging up the most secluded and mysterious area of your chart while in conjunction with Mars in Scorpio, your inner workings and internal dynamics are bound to come up for review. This new moon wants you to analyze the unconscious patterns in your life and the aspects of your personality that exist behind the scenes; the parts of yourself that no one else is privy to. The 12th house is equivalent to a secret closet in your birth chart; a place where you knowingly—and unknowingly—hold onto energy that may no longer be relevant to your current life. If you’re not feeling ready to confront these parts of yourself, this lunation is here to assist you in attaining self-acceptance. Write in your journal and commit to a spiritual practice. You’re transforming from the inside out and letting go of so much guilt. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



The taboo aspects of the way you use social network and contributions you make to society are under review under this revelatory new moon. The moon will renew itself in Scorpio via your 11th house of associations, community affairs, and future visions, and while in close proximity to hot-headed Mars. If you’re in a competitive industry, or perhaps in cahoots with power-hungry individuals, this lunation is signaling a brand new era in your social life and affiliations. While in opposition to rebellious Uranus, this new moon wants you to reflect on how these connections have contributed to your self-expression and refilled the tank on your passion projects. A public persona you may have attached yourself to once upon a time is likely dissolving, but only because you’re about to rise from the ashes like the Phoenix. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



What’s your main driver towards success, Aquarius? Whether it be in terms of your career or your sense of authority, November’s new moon in Scorpio is revealing the inner workings of your public persona and what motivates you to achieve. Shadowy attributes to your personality—and the personalities of those arround you—could be unveiled, bringing rise to levels of fear, jealousy, obsession, or even vengeance. But that’s not all that makes this lunation triggering. Luna will sit alongside Mars in Scorpio, adding a layer of aggression and audacity to your approach. Reflect on the root of your insecurity and your most insatiable desires for notoriety and authority. Sitting in opposition with your modern ruler, Uranus, surprises that revolve around your home, family and/or living space could add extra drama to the mix. Either way, this is a chance for you to break free from the unconscious expectations you’ve placed upon yourself. Read your full monthly horoscope here.



The inspiration that powers your faith, spirituality, and worldview are of greater emphasis under November’s new moon in Scorpio. Sitting alongside go-getters Mars, you are being encouraged to confront everything from the shadow side of your life story to the memories and experiences that have helped shape your belief systems. If you’ve felt afraid of venturing into unknown territory or you’ve been focusing on the worst case scenario, Luna’s opposition to rebellious Uranus is contributing to the revolution of your overall philosophy and mindset. Remember—our beliefs shape your reality and your words are spells. Your past cannot define your future, so if you’re feeling discouraged or bogged down by a current situation, consider taking a step back and seeing the big picture. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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