Neighbor Discovers How Great Pyrenees Sneaks Out of Apartment and It's Epic

A TikTok user would sometimes return home and find their neighbor's Great Pyrenees just chilling out in the hallway and they could never understand why this dog wasn't in their home.

Check out the funny TikTok video posted by @Saturnreturnto to see this amazing Houdini in action.

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Listen , he just needs to see what's going out there! Talk about a nosy neighbor. Great Pyrenees are dogs who are highly intelligent, check. But they may be difficult to train, as they were bred to think for themselves and they're not fond of being told what to do. Also check. We are sure his owners have told him countless times not to open the front door!

@TikTok10 comments, "That’s 1000% a Great Pyrenees!!! They are tricky little suckers !" Totally familiar with this situation is @Pyr who adds, "Yup. Mine opens doors, too. Now deadbolts are always locked, keys out of paw reach." @Striving says, "My golden retriever used to do this and I had to put up a doggie gate. Anxiety."

Those are both great suggestions. If your own dog has figured out how to open the front door, you may need to change out your hardware. Lever handles are easier for dogs to open then round ones. You can add deadbolts to the tops of your doors, install a door alarm (which won't be that helpful when you aren't home, but at least when you are home you can be alerted if your escape artist is going for it)  and install baby locks so they have a more tricky time opening the door.

Or, you could get them a job as a front door man so they can make some money and start paying for their own dog food and toys!

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