Orange Cat Named Kevin Swallowed a Sewing Needle Because Orange Cats Can't Help Themselves

I've had a lot of orange cats in my life time and every single orange cat I have ever owned is an absolute menace. I have no idea why that is, but orange cats always seem to get into the most trouble.

Like Portland, Oregon orange cat Kevin here, who decided to swallow a sewing needle until it impaled his hard palate and went into his nasal cavity. Good job, Kevin!

Kevin's owner posted the following to Facebook and I can just imagine what this cat mom thought when she discovered what her cat had been up to. Typical Kevin!

Here is the Facebook post for the Dove Lewis Veterinary Clinic.

The Facebook post reads, "Kevin found himself in quite a sticky situation when he ended up with a sewing needle puncturing his mouth up into his nasal cavity.

Thanks to the quick action of Dr. Franci Forman, Dr. Hannah Marshall, and our dedicated team, Kevin is now needle-free and back to exploring, all while his family keeps a watchful eye on his curious antics!

Related: Funny Reasons Shelter Cats Are in Trouble Make Them Even More Endearing reports, "DoveLewis says that Kevin is known for his curious nature, and he recently snuck into a child's room where a sewing project was laid out.

Kevin decided to try a little taste of the sewing needle.... which became lodged in his mouth, impaling through his hard palate and into his nasal cavity.

This injury caused immense discomfort and danger, resulting in vomiting and difficulty swallowing."

WHY? Why would a cat decide to eat a sewing needle? Oh never mind, I know why, because it was an orange cat. Eyeroll.

Thankfully, smart cat Kevin is at home and recovering. That vet sure did a great job on him.

Things To Keep Away From Cats

A lot of us know that you basically have to keep orange cats away from everything, but here are some other dangers for cats in general.

Lily flowers. The entire lily plant is toxic: the stem, leaves, flowers, pollen, and even the water in a vase. Eating just a small amount of a leaf or flower petal, licking a few pollen grains off its fur while grooming, or drinking the water from the vase can cause your cat to develop fatal kidney failure in less than 3 days.

Electrical cords. Cats love chewing on things, including your phone charger cord. Keep cords away from your cat because they could get electrocuted.

And as seen above, String, Yarn, and Thread: Cats are attracted to string-like objects, but if ingested, these can cause intestinal blockages or even perforations, requiring emergency surgery.

Also, hair ties. Cats love chewing on hair ties and can sometimes swallow them. Dogs have also been known to swallow hair ties.

Take a lesson from Kevin, don't leave orange cats around anything!

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