Paralyzing injury doesn't stop this man from enjoying the outdoors

Ian Mackay was riding a bike on a trail in 2008 when his bike slid out from under him on some sand. His injuries meant he was paralyzed from the neck down, and he now is an advocate for outdoors accessibility.
Ian Mackay was riding a bike on a trail in 2008 when his bike slid out from under him on some sand. His injuries meant he was paralyzed from the neck down, and he now is an advocate for outdoors accessibility.

Ian Mackay once was an avid bike rider. That changed dramatically June 4, 2008.

He was riding home from a college study group on a bike path when some sand in the path on one of the turns made the bike slide. Mackay lost control and he collided with a tree. He never lost consciousness and his helmet saved his life, but he soon realized he could not move his arms or legs.

He would come to learn he had a spinal cord injury at his C2 vertebrae, meaning he was paralyzed from the neck down. Mackay now is an advocate promoting wheelchair accessibility on outdoor trails.

Missouri State Parks and Mackay will commemorate his trek across the Katy Trail starting 9:30 a.m. Monday at the North Jefferson Trailhead south of Holts Summit. Mackay will journey toward Rocheport and he encourages other trail enthusiasts to join him. Mackay is spending the week in Missouri, traversing the Katy using his wheelchair to promote accessibility to the trail.

“I do this to demonstrate what is possible for people of all abilities,” said Mackay. “I do this to appreciate a much-needed adventure in time with close friends. I also do this to highlight accessible infrastructure and encourage others to go follow their own dream. Mainly I just want to show that you can live a full life despite disability.”

As Mackay learned how to live life as a paralyzed man and meeting with other spinal cord injury survivors, his passion for being outdoors eventually was rekindled. He founded the nonprofit Ian's Ride in 2016 in Washington "to promote outdoor accessibility, further the availability of accessible technology and encourage support services for those with mobility impairment," Missouri State Parks said.

Mackay has a dependable and easily accessible cellphone, which frees him to go outside alone and explore. He can put put 10 to 20 miles per day on his chair. He downloaded an app that tracks his distance, route and speed using GPS and has racked up 10,000 miles since getting the special cellphone.

This article originally appeared on Columbia Daily Tribune: Ian Mackay to host Katy Trail trek to Rocheport in his wheelchair