People Are Now Taking Nude Professional Wedding Night Photos


What ever happened to good ol’ fashion wedding photos? The ones that showed the bride getting ready in the mirror, the groom fixing his tie, and the happy couple as they walk together back up the aisle.

Well apparently, there wasn’t enough sex involved.

A few years back saw the arrival of a “morning after” the wedding mini trend: Newlyweds would hire photographers to take pics of the couple in bed, presumably post-coital.

But it seems that, for some, there just wasn’t enough action involved. Couples looking to purchase wedding photo packages—especially in India, for whatever reason—are now asking for nude and semi-nude photoshoots to take place on the actual wedding night. But no photographers want to do it!

According to The Times of India, a photographer named Priyanka Sachar received the request from a groom. “He wanted an intimate photoshoot—a couple shoot—with nude poses on his wedding night.” He declined to get involved. “I had to turn down the request, because I was not comfortable doing something like that. […] Clicking a couple on their wedding night—I’m not sure if the couple is actually being kinky or just wants photos for themselves?”

Another Indian photographer turned down a similar request earlier this year, saying that the pictures would be too lewd to use in his online portfolio. A third tried to dissuade an eager exhibitionist couple by raising his price quotes, but even that didn’t deter them. Finally, he was forced to tell them that he wasn’t comfortable “shooting their private moments.”

The Times did find one photog who was willing to get in on the action—but even he was pretty miffed about it. “To say that I was comfortable doing it would be far from the truth, in fact there were many embarrassing moments between the shots, where the couple were far more forthcoming than I was actually prepared for.” Meeeeow.

From the sound of it, there’s quite a gap in the Sexy Wedding Night Photoshoot market—in India, anyway. We’d suggest all interested parties grab their camera equipment and hop a plane to New Delhi, STAT.

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