17 Little Tips To Make Mondays Suck Less, According To People Who Swear By Them Weekly

If you work a Monday-to-Friday job, you may have experienced the "Monday blues" (aka feeling sluggish or down Monday morning because of work, school, etc.) and have tried to find ways to beat this unpleasant feeling.

Young businessman working late in office looking stressed.
Luis Alvarez / Via Getty Images

So when I saw that Reddit user u/addiethabhaddie ask: "What is the one thing you do each Monday morning that helps you get through the day?" I thought it would be helpful to share their habits and tips just in case. Here's what they had to say below:

1."I put a fake meeting in my calendar for every Monday so nobody can book me in some bullshit meeting before noon, so I can get through the 1,000 emails received since Friday."

someone looking at digital calendar

2."Creative visualization as astronauts and athletes do. I envision myself enjoying my day, getting energized, and taking it easy — but not with concrete events like 'I suddenly get a raise' or 'everybody applauds for me at the end of a meeting.' No, I just envision my workday from an emotional point of view, and I envision myself feeling good and feeling relaxed."


3."I have a special Monday breakfast. It changes over the year, so I don't get too bored. I recently bought an inexpensive milk frother and now I have a cappuccino with fancy protein blueberry waffles that I just make in the toaster from frozen. I feel like I am having a fancy brunch and it's relatively healthy."

egg sandwich

4."I exercise. I make Monday my leg day. I hate leg day. Well, I hate any day really but especially leg day. So I get up early and get it done. Nothing else will be as bad. And I can always fall back on: 'At least legs are done.' When something inevitably goes sideways."


5."I have a shower and at the end of it, I plug my ears with my fingers, shut my eyes, and chill out for 30 seconds or a minute. It feels like a reset. I don't know why. Showers in general help me out a lot."


6."I used to hate Mondays, but my dad started taking walks with me every Monday afternoon, buying sodas and enjoying our neighborhood park."


7."I start my workweek with a teletherapy appointment. Monday mornings at 6 a.m. CST. I started with my therapist right as COVID hit, so he offered video appointments. His office is 20-30 minutes from my house, but it's in a different state and time zone. For two years or so, I worked my booty off doing some tough session work. Now, every other Monday in the early morning, we drink coffee, check-in, and catch up. It's meaningful for me."

a person doing teletherapy

8."I decide what the three most important things that must be done today are. Then I focus only on those things. It brings a sense of accomplishment and eases an anxious overwhelmed mind."


9."Working from home has zapped probably 90% of the Monday blues for me in general, which has been wonderful."

a mom working from home

10."Having breakfasts for the week prepped by the end of the weekend. It’s just nice to toss something in the microwave while starting the coffee and not have to invest any mental energy on anything other than prepping for the day. It doesn’t hurt that I’m eating something healthier than many quick breakfast options."


11."One thing that helps me get through Monday mornings is taking a few minutes to plan out my week and set priorities. It helps me feel organized and prepared for the week ahead."

someone planning their week

12."My daughter's picture on my home screen."


13."Usually a combination of those three: Drink a glass of water (preferably cold water) before drinking coffee and eating breakfast. Take a shower. If I'm feeling really low and/or anxious, I'll say my mantra a couple of times: 'Everything's gonna be okay. One day at a time, one step at a time.'"

a person pouring a glass of water

14."I remind myself that I’m no longer homeless struggling for money. I look around me at where I am now, and I tell myself this is going to be a great week. Also, looking at yourself in the mirror and saying, 'I’m a money magnet' has helped me a lot. Call it superstitious but it works."


15."Make the bed. It's a simple task. And before I get to work, I have accomplished something."

making the bed

16."I always have small rewards in mind. For instance, if I get up in the morning, I get coffee. Coffee is good so that's a reward! Then two measly hours before break time. Breaks are good so that's a reward! Then only two more before lunch and lunch is the best so... reward! Make your day into bite-sized chunks. This works for all days not just Monday."


17."I ask my dog: 'Wanna go walkies?' Her happiness gets me out of bed and the sun (or overall seeing the sky even on grey days) wakes me up and preps me for the week!"

a puppy sitting in someones lap

Do you do anything specific every Monday morning that helps you conquer the day? If so, tell us what it is and why it helps in the comments below: