People Are Sharing Things Men Shouldn't Be Ashamed Of, And It's Wholesome And True

On Friday, Reddit user u/TAL115 asked, "What is something a guy shouldn't be ashamed or insecure about?" People came through with completely valid things that men shouldn't have to feel ashamed of/insecure about.

  Hinterhaus Productions / Getty Images
Hinterhaus Productions / Getty Images

Here's what they said:

1."Not having interest in sports. It’s just one of many types of hobbies and entertainment, not some integral part of manhood."


2."Balding. It's almost completely out of your control, and it happens to a large percentage of men. Especially for those who start balding young, it can really shatter their self- confidence."


  Morsa Images / Getty Images
Morsa Images / Getty Images

3."Driving a 'cheap' car. I drive a Corolla that I bought NEW. It literally had to be driven out of the Toyota dealer's showroom. For me and my finances at the time, it was not cheap by any means, but the amount of acquaintances and coworkers that said I should have bought a truck or something more practical was astonishing. It was and is practical enough for me."


4.Not being hyper-masculine. My wife and I are so happy that I am learning to shed this hyper-masculine bullshit that I had acquired from my father and stepfather. I saw my father cry once in his life."


5."Showing emotions — I always find my boyfriend the most attractive when he’s showing emotions."


6."Embarrassing medical issues. Finally decided to get rid of a decent-sized hemorrhoidal skin tag that I have had for years. It never changed size. It was just there — figurative pain in the ass to clean my ass too. But I'm glad it is finally gone."


  Jesus Sierra / Getty Images
Jesus Sierra / Getty Images

7."Their height. As a woman, I can say that the women who are looking for more than a picture with you seriously don’t give a thought to it."


8."Penis size. If you know how to use it and your sexual partner gets pleasure, what does it matter if it's big, small, fat, or thin?"


9."How much you can lift, bro. Just lift. Even if it’s only a couple of feathers."


  Gcshutter / Getty Images
Gcshutter / Getty Images

10."Sex duration. We emphasize in media that sex lasts hours or days. I know that many don't last more than 10–20 min. Some even less. Everyone has different builds in different scenarios. As long as you're honest with your partner, you can enhance your foreplay skills to make up for any time you feel you didn't keep up with."


11."Being a virgin. Really, it pisses me off that people joke about guys being virgins. I used to do it all the time, and I seriously regret it. Shit's weird. Who cares if someone takes a little longer than most people?"


12."Liking non-masculine stuff on TV. Watching telenovelas, teen drama, listening to Justing Bieber 5–10 years ago, liking Spice Girls, etc."


13."My brother has stretch marks. I've never seen him with his top off since we were kids because he's insecure about them."


  Nickel_bell / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Nickel_bell / Getty Images/iStockphoto

14."Taking care of their skin. Lots of men are insecure and don't wash their faces or use skin products because they think it's a 'feminine' thing."


15."Getting mental health help."


Did they miss any? What thing should men NOT be ashamed or insecure about? Let me know in the comments below!

Note: Responses edited for length and/or clarity.

If you'd like to learn more about depression or need mental health resources, you can check out the National Institute of Mental Health.