The Perseid Meteor Shower Is About to Peak As Spectacularly As That Mean Girl From Your High School

Every year, the Perseid Meteor Shower shoots meteors across the sky—like sparkly, giant space-meatballs. This phenomenon happens from July 17 to August 24 each year, which is something you can take to the bank, babies. This year of Our Suffering 2019, around August 11 through the 13, these showers will hit their peak. Like most relationships, the Perseids like to build up slowly, reach their peak, and then abruptly end. These meteors will be most visible to the Northern Hemisphere (unless you have super good eyesight, in which case, good for you).

This particular meteor shower is called the Perseids because they hail from the constellation of Perseus. That’s the dude who murdered Medusa and then used her severed head to...

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