Poke Nachos Are The Fusion Dish You Need To Try

Poke nachos in a bowl
Poke nachos in a bowl - Elena Veselova/Shutterstock

A universal favorite, nachos are the perfect snack (or let's face it, meal) for just about any occasion. From restaurant celebrations to home cooking adventures, nachos deliver the ideal crunch topped in an explosion of flavor. While nachos were once confined to the realm of meat and cheese, these days, creative nacho recipes abound. Barbecue fan? Try nachos in the smoker. Like Mediterranean cuisine? Dabble in pita nachos. Even the traditionalist can up their game with the ultimate ground beef nachos.

The newest nacho dish that needs to be on your radar? Poke nachos. This culinary fusion takes the crunchy goodness of a traditional nacho and combines it with the tangy, sweet flavor of fresh tuna and your favorite poke sauce. Oh, and don't forget the bed of colorful veggies. Whether you're a nacho enthusiast or a poke fanatic, you need to set your sights on poke nachos for your next delectable snack (or meal!).

Read more: 12 Underrated Types Of Fish You Should Try At Least Once

The Ultimate Fish Nachos

Poke nachos on a plate
Poke nachos on a plate - Motionshooter/Getty Images

Think about tasting your favorite nachos. What stands out? Maybe it's the crunch of a perfectly fried tortilla. Perhaps it's the flawless ratio between chips and toppings. Now imagine all the best parts of that nacho experience and swap in firm cubes of sashimi-grade tuna doused in shoyu sauce and wedged between chunks of ripe avocado and shredded carrots. That's a poke nacho.

Like traditional nachos, poke nachos are built on a crunchy bed of chips piled high with toppings and covered in sauce. While tortilla chips can work fine, crispy wonton chips offer an even flakier texture that's perfect for eating with pieces of fish. Without melted cheese, poke nachos rely on a sticky sauce to coat the toppings. Sauces will vary, but they are usually predominantly spicy, sweet, or umami.

Poke nachos stand apart for their fresh -- and raw -- toppings. Because of this, the quality of the ingredients really matters: think sushi-grade fish and crisp vegetables. Poke nachos aren't warmed or broiled in an oven; instead, they're served fresh and chilled or at room temperature. Without the melted cheese, and cooked meat and beans, poke nachos are a lighter dish that still delivers the savory goodness you've come to expect from a towering plate of 'chos.

Mix 'N Match

Poke ingredients in a bowl
Poke ingredients in a bowl - Olivia /Getty Images

A fusion between the traditional Hawaiian dish and Mexican cuisine, poke nachos come in a ton of fun variations. When making your own, try using your favorite poke toppings as inspiration. For a protein, use a sushi-grade fish like tuna or salmon, or try another poke staple like octopus, crab, or yellowtail. To complement the fish's soft texture, try adding crunchy vegetables like edamame and cucumber. A bit of seaweed, called limu in Hawaiian, will bring out the flavor of the ocean, and a small amount of ginger or wasabi can crank the spice up a notch.

Many of your favorite nacho toppings can also be incorporated into a plate of poke nachos. Diced peppers -- like jalapeños and serranos -- can add a kick to the dish. Cilantro adds an herbaceous note, and a chunky pico de gallo pairs well with the diced fish pieces.

To really dial in your poke nachos, focus on the sauce. For a sweet plate, try using a mango salsa or adding honey to a traditional ginger sesame sauce. Hot sauces like sriracha will up the spice level of your dish and can be tempered by adding mayo. Ponzu sauce, which combines sweet rice wine, bold citrus notes, and the umami flavor of soy sauce, is another good option. It's better to use thicker sauces, as they'll coat and cling to all of the ingredients, ensuring every bite is flavorful -- and they won't turn your crispy wontons soggy.

Read the original article on Daily Meal.