Prince Charles Reflects on the Coronavirus Pandemic in Encouraging Personal Essay (Video)

Prince Charles Reflects on the Coronavirus Pandemic in Encouraging Personal Essay (Video)

In an essay published Wednesday, Prince Charles reflected on quarantine life, how great Internet videos can be, and the importance of the United Kingdom's agricultural community — especially in time of crisis.

The royal, who recovered from COVID-19, noted how "suddenly" the availability of staples like bread and milk were top of mind, while promoting the "Pick for Britain" campaign which calls on Britons to help work on fruit and vegetable farms.

Prince Charles
Prince Charles

WPA Pool/Getty

"What this national crisis has also brought home — dare I say it — is how much we rely on our agricultural community and all those in the food supply chain, from field to fork," the 71-year-old heir to the British throne wrote in a letter published Wednesday in Country Life magazine. "The retailers have been doing an outstanding job responding to the unprecedented pressures, and so has the entire supply chain. The delivery drivers, shelf-stackers and all the others serving shoppers are providing an immensely important service in this time of great need… Food does not happen by magic."

The vegetable farms where the UK gets their produce are typically maintained by Eastern European workers who are currently not working due to the virus, according to Reuters. The shortage of farm labor has caused concern as seasonal produce will need to be picked.

Using the agricultural movement of World War II as an example, Prince Charles called for "as many people as possible stepping up and going into the fields to see our harvest of vegetables and fruit safely gathered. The need is huge and, in some cases, urgent, as the spring vegetables are ready for picking."

"Pick For Britain helps bring workers and employers together and ensures the UK can continue to deliver the best quality British fruit & veg for everyone to enjoy," the campaign's website explains. "There are a wide range of roles across the country and they can vary dependent on the type of business."

In addition to thanking those who keep the food supply chain going, including food delivery workers, Prince Charles reflected on the "courage and selflessness" of medical professionals as well as those who have stepped up to demonstrate a "heart-warming burgeoning of remarkable kindness and concern for those in need across the country."

And, of course, who could forget the many hilarious videos posted online that make a difficult situation just a little more bearable. For his part, Prince Charles wrote these kinds of videos are "some of the funniest videos I have seen for a long time!"

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Ultimately, he said as the world recovers from the pandemic, it was important to make it an even better place, as the UK grapples with over 139,000 cases of coronavirus, according to data tracked by Johns Hopkins University.

"When we come out of this pandemic, as we surely will, it seems to me that we must learn some lessons: of the crucial importance of Nature to our wellbeing and to our very existence; of the power of localization; and simply of a kinder way of being," he wrote. "After the suffering and the selflessness we are witnessing, we cannot allow ourselves to go back to how we were. This is a moment in history."

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