Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Respond to Reports They Won't Let Neighbors Talk to Them

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From Country Living

  • Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are being side-eyed for a strict set of rules telling neighbors not to speak to them or pet their dogs.

  • Buckingham Palace has released a statement denying Meghan and Harry's involvement with the guidelines.

The palace is doing whatever the posh royal equivalent of clapping back is against reports that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry issued strict orders telling neighbors not to speak to them.

The Daily Mail claimed that Meghan and Harry's neighbors were given a detailed list of how to act if they run into the royal couple. It reportedly includes mandates that neighbors shouldn't approach or try to start a conversation with them (though they can say "good morning" if spoken to first), that they shouldn't ask to see Archie (fair!), and that they shouldn't offer to babysit, or pet their dogs.

Inevitably, people aren't thrilled—with one neighbor saying "It's extraordinary. We've never heard anything like it. Everyone who lives on the estate works for the royals and knows how to behave respectfully. We aren't told how to behave around the Queen like this. She's very happy for people to greet her."

However, a spokesperson for Buckingham Palace issued a statement to Us Weekly, saying “The Duke and Duchess didn’t request this, didn’t know about it, and had nothing to do with the content or guidance offered."

Okay, then! FYI, this whole ordeal comes off Meghan's request for privacy at Wimbledon causing outrage—but honestly is it really *that* terrible if the royals want to be left alone while out in public?

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