Get Ready: Aquarius Season Will Have Your Social Life Thriving

Photo credit: Hearst Owned
Photo credit: Hearst Owned

From Cosmopolitan

Finally! Capricorn season was lowkey (highkey?) a shit show, thanks to the back-to-back eclipses and the Saturn/Pluto conjunction drama, but after what felt like an eternity of way too many cardinal earth sign energy, you’re finally getting a much-needed breath of fresh air.

On January 20, the Sun moves into fixed air sign Aquarius, getting rid of the way-too-serious, industrial, pragmatic vibes of Capricorn season, and ushering in a new season that turns your focus to opening up your heart and your mind to new connections, appreciating the uniqueness in others, and expressing your genuine self unapologetically! Geminis, Libras, and Aquarius: this next month is for you! Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio, this Aquarius season might be too busy to handle, NGL.

Aquarius season is one of the most social times of year because Aquarius is the sign of friendship and social circles. It’s also the most eccentric sign, and Aquarian types are unashamed of expressing themselves fully. You’re focused on your friends most of all rn, and you’re beginning to recognize all of your loved ones’ unique traits and understanding that the parts you love most about them are their weird talents, hobbies, or habits, and you’re celebrating all of it with them. Your crew is also noticing all of your quirks, and showing you that they love that weird parts of you, too! You’re learning that everybody is truly one-of-a-kind, and understanding the value that comes with the individuality of each person you connect with.

It’s weird how light-and-airy Aquarius season can also be a time where you learn so much and develop an incredibly deep understanding of others, but hey, it wouldn’t be Aquarius season if it wasn’t so strange and complex, right?

You’re feeling more progressive and want to see a positive change in the world right now. The deeper understanding of other people–in a one-on-one basis as well as on a grander “big picture” scale–is helping you understand that despite our differences, everybody deserves to be treated as equals. If you’re feeling particularly political or driven by a specific social justice issue, form a group or join an organization that wants the same societal change as you. Aquarius season is all about teamwork and networking, and it’s the most radical sign, so if there was ever a perfect time to start, it’s definitely now!

BTW, try to be careful of being too brainy right now. Aquarius season is great for learning, communicating, and thinking logically without letting your biases or past assumptions about others get in your way, but it might get to a level where you detach from your emotions in this effort to be perfectly objective. You can honor your feelings without letting them prevent you from connecting with others, and you can still make deep connections with others by showing them that you don’t judge them, you accept and love them for the 100 percent unique individual they are.

The next month wants you to squad up with your homies and let your freak flag fly! You’re uplifting each other and working towards a brighter future for all of you with this progressive, forward-moving season, and breezing by all the B.S. and drama of Capricorn season. Have fun!

But first, read your Sun/Rising sign horoscopes:

  • Aries: Aquarius season is party season for you, Aries. It’s the most social time of year, and the airy Aquarius vibes are fanning the flames of your blazing-hot Aries spirit. You’re already a proud, independent person, but you’re feeling even better about how much of an individual you are, while still taking care to show all of your homies that you love them, too.

  • Taurus: JSYK, you can make a serious impact at work this month. Life at the office is mega-busy right now, and as much as you’d love to just stay in your lane and do your job like you’ve always done it, you’d really benefit from leaving your comfort zone. It’s all eyes on you right now, so you’re going to stand out no matter what. Make sure you’re in the spotlight for a good reason, and a promotion or serious raise can head your way.

  • Gemini: Aquarius season is one of the best times of year for you, Gemmy! Your fellow air sign’s like-minded vibes are helping you become the best version of yourself. You’re making more new friends than ever, and those new connections come from a huge variety of different backgrounds and walks of life, so you’re expanding your mind and broadening your worldview as a result! PS: The chance to travel may come up soon!

  • Cancer: Because Aquarius is a sign so different from your own, this next month isn’t about making friends with every new person you meet; it’s more about diving into your closest relationships and getting a more intimate, complex understanding of them, your relationship, and yourself. It’s a very deep month for you, Cancer, and even Aquarius’ robotic sensibilities can’t keep you out of your feels, but you’re going to enjoy the experience.

  • Leo: Aquarius’ seasons vibes is activating your chart’s relationships zone, Leo. This is great for your love life, sure, but the biggest focus now is all of your one-on-one relationships. Your BFF, your boo, everyone. You’re the biggest brightest star of all, Leo, and you’re attracted to equally radiant people—now’s the time to link up with extraordinary people and recognize how amazing and unique your already existing relationships are.

  • Virgo: The next month is pulling your focus to your day-to-day schedule, especially at work. You’re learning how to recognize what makes the people encounter during your daily routine unique, so this is a fabulous time to get to know your coworkers better, joke around with them, and loosen up a little! You might make a new office bestie or two!

  • Libra: Your chart’s fifth house, which rules love, sex, and fun, is being activated for the next month, so you can expect an exciting Aquarius season, Libra! Hooking up has never been easier and being romantic with your S.O. feels better than ever now. It’s also a good time to experiment in bed, too. You’ll try anything once (twice if you like it) (and three times just to make sure) so let your freak flag fly the next time you’re, uh, getting freaky with someone!

  • Scorpio: For the next month, you’re focusing more on your inner self, your roots, and your upbringing. Aquarius season is taking you back in time, and old memories or connections from a looong time ago are becoming more prominent in your life rn. You’re recognizing how the circumstances of your upbringing helped to form the person you are today, and learning how to embrace and totally own how unique you are now as a result!

  • Sagittarius: Airy Aquarius is all about connecting with others, and the since the next month finds your chart’s third house (communication) being activated. It goes without saying, you’re feeling pretty GD popular right now! You’re not the type to ever let your feet touch the ground, and you’re always in motion, but even you might get worn out from this transit—DW, though, because it’ll be fun the entire time.

  • Capricorn: Aquarius season’s vibes pull your focus to your chart’s second house, which rules your valuables and your values. You had to stop, drop, and roll to avoid all the drama of Capricorn season, and probably lost track of a lot. Now, things are re-stabilizing in your life, you can get back to work as per usual, but you’re also being given the opportunity for self-reflection and re-familiarizing yourself with your morals, values, and your self-worth.

  • Aquarius: HBD! Last month was a wild one, especially for you, Aquarius. Not only was the sky falling down every time you turned on the news, but you were having a ton of internal drama going on as well, and you felt sort of alone through it all. Now, your batteries have recharged and you’re feeling more like yourself again. Your outgoing, weird (in a good way) personality is shining brighter than ever—and everyone’s loving it!

  • Pisces: You’re the most emotional sign, and Aquarius is the most emotionally detached sign, so it’s easy to see how Aquarius season’s vibes might make you feel a little “off.” Just keep swimming, Pisces. You don’t feel like you’re in sync with the rest of the world, so now’s a good time to escape it all, take some much-needed alone time, and just chill out. While the rest of the world is feeling social AF, you’re feeling like you just need to take a breather. Spend this next month meditating, relaxing, and dreaming, and take it as an opportunity to get to know yourself better.

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