Rescue Border Collie's Obsession with Cuddling Is Enough to Make Anyone Melt

You never know what your relationship with a new dog with be. But a woman online has pretty much won the jackpot. Not only is her brand new rescue Beau the cutest pup ever, he has an obsession with cuddling that would make any new pet owner feel extra lucky.

Anoosha shared that her rescue's love for affection was one of the first things she noticed when she brought him home from the shelter.

As a video she shared online shows, the Border Collie immediately headed to the couch for some quality time. And when Beau got there, he rolled over to show his new mama his tummy. Someone pay the tummy tax to this good boi — ASAP.

Related: Border Collie 'Strikes a Pose' at Mom's Request Like a Perfect Diva

Luckily, Anoosha was happy to oblige.

"When you get a new dog from the shelter and all he wants to do is cuddle," she wrote on the video's text overlay.

"Cuddly boy is also wiggli boy but his name is Beau," she added in the caption.

People online couldn't stop laughing at Beau and his love for cuddles. "He said mom pull up," wrote one person. "Girl if you don’t go lay on that couch with him right this instant!!!" another commenter exclaimed. "Awwww he's been waiting for his moment to soak up all the love," a third person chimed in. "I have a boy Border Collie and they are the cuddliest, most affectionate pups," one person shared.

Border Collies Are Affectionate

If cuddles are your thing, then a Border Collie might be the perfect dog for you. It's not just Beau who loves to snuggle. The breed is known for being affectionate and loyal. Here are just a few ways that your Collie will let you know that they love you a whole bunch.

The first sign is that your dog may stare at you — intently. You are the object of their affection after all. Then they'll nudge you with their head. A Collie may lick your face and then jump into your lap, which is how you know it's time to give them some loving. They'll then sigh loudly when they receive pets or scratches from you.

Border Collies are sometimes what's known as velcro dogs — they'll follow you everywhere. But that's okay, considering the fact that they probably are just keeping tabs on where their favorite human is.

By far their favorite thing to do with their human is cuddle. Collies love to cuddle! If you are someone who wants a pal to lay on the couch with, or you're looking for a dog that will truly adore you, then Border Collies might be the right dog for you.

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