Review: Is Mindy Kaling’s Four Weddings TV show really that bad?

'Definitely not as good as it should be': Four Weddings
'Definitely not as good as it should be': Four Weddings

The TV adaptation of Four Weddings and a Funeral hit US screens to a universal sound of dismay. The Washington Post described it as “excruciatingly flat”, “poorly conceived” and “surprisingly clumsy”; Vulture said it was “hackneyed” and “predictable”; The Hollywood Reporter bemoans the women as being “catty, classist and utterly terrible”.Most damningly of all, Linda Holmes from NPR said that she “hung in with it as long as I could” because she "really wanted to like it” – if a writer who is very much on the show’s side can't even bring herself to enjoy it, what hope does the average viewer have?

As the show isn’t available in the UK (it’s being shown on US streaming service Hulu) all we’ve had to go on is these reviews, and they came as somewhat of a surprise.

Four Weddings and a Funeral should have worked: it was created by Mindy Kaling and Matt Warburton, whose previously collaboration The Mindy Project was a criminally underrated love letter to the rom-com. Writers on the show include comedian Bisha K Ali (Sex Education), Abby Ajayi (How To Get Away With Murder, as well as British stalwarts such as Hollyoaks) and Tracy Wigfield (30 Rock, SNL).

Plus, it’s fronted by Nathalie Emmanuel, whose role as Missandei was one of the only good things about the last season of Game of Thrones. Just to top it off, Richard Curtis was executive producer. With all this prestige and talent behind it, can the Four Weddings reboot really be that bad?

Well, sort of. After watching the first three episodes, I don’t think it’s as horrible as the reviews made me fear it was. But it’s also definitely not as good as it should be.

Four Weddings and a Funeral is focused on four American friends who now live in London, their frustrated banker/aspiring actor friend Kash, and their very posh British friend Gemma. They’re all very beautiful, mostly live in implausibly gorgeous houses, and have the kind of close-knit friendships and complex relationships that you rarely see outside of films and episodes of Friends. So far, so good.

But while the “rom” part of the genre was taken care of quite quickly, the “com” part was a bit lacklustre. One of the great things about The Mindy Project was how it deployed humour, layering so many jokes on top of each other that you needed repeated viewings to catch them all. With Four Weddings, though, suffered by having too many jokes that could be funny but simply weren’t. While there were moments when I laughed out loud, too often, the jokes just weren’t clever enough to land.

Four Weddings
Four Weddings and a Funeral

Another great thing about The Mindy Project – and indeed, all the television shows and films the cast have worked on – was the depth of the characters. They were ridiculous, comical and absurd, but they were also believable. Too many of the Four Weddings characters, especially in the first episode, felt like caricatures. The two main British women in the show, Gemma and Zara, at times felt like they should be in Little Britain skits about the British class system.

Sticking with Four Weddings, though, can be rewarding. While the first episode tried to introduce too many characters and backstories at once (which means you end up with clunky dialogue such as “Maybe I only like [Mamma Mia] because my mum and I saw it on Broadway a few months before she died”), subsequent episodes gave them room to breathe, and you actually started to care about them.

Kash’s storyline and family, which primarily takes place in Hounslow rather than Notting Hill, is an absolute dream – his father and little brother were the best things on the whole show, and I’d happily watch an entire spin-off just about them.

Perhaps the main thing Four Weddings suffers from are the inevitable comparisons to the original. Not just because it's near-impossible to make something as good as the Curtis classic, but because Kaling’s version is weighed down with superficial nods towards it (Andie McDowell makes a cameo; the series opens with a character saying “f---” over and over again).

In fact, there are too many rom-com references in general for Four Weddings to be its own thing: there’s a child called Bernard, Andrew Lincoln's bit with the signs from Love Actually, a wedding interrupted by a performance from a professional singer… honestly, the main character works in politics and I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point she meets the Prime Minister while he’s dancing down the stairs at Number 10.

Cut away those associations – which, frankly, only hold Kaling’s version back – and Four Weddings is an enjoyable show. Kaling is able to break the cliché in the gentle yet merciless way she is so good at, and offers some truly valuable comments about love, life and friendships.

Some of the best moments came when the show wasn’t trying to be a rom-com at all but instead examine themes of work, dreams and failure (when a floppy-haired wannabe author shares his Great American Work In Progress with his new girlfriend, her tentative critique “The protagonist masturbates an awful lot” is perfect).

Four Weddings might not be the work of art we wanted it to be, but it’s fun and watchable. Just maybe don’t watch the original before you dive in.