Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for October

Your Scorpio Monthly Horoscope for October

Add These Dates to Your G-Cal:

  • October 2: Mercury Retrograde ends

  • October 9: Full Moon in Aries

  • October 23: Sun and Venus enter Scorpio

  • October 25: New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio

  • October 27: Jupiter enters Pisces

  • October 30: Mars Retrograde begins in Gemini

Happy birthday, Scorpio! As summer’s sunlight begins to fade and darkness takes over the skies, you’re feeling more at home than ever. The month starts out with some well-deserved rest when Venus in Libra meets with Jupiter in Aries on October 1. Healing or closure may be themes of the day. If you’re a spiritual person, today is a wonderful day to engage in healing work. You’re ready to care for yourself in a new way. The following day on October 2, Mercury Retrograde finally ends in Virgo. Any misunderstandings within your friendships clear up and if you’ve been feeling confused on your next move, clarity is on the way.

The Full Moon in Aries on October 9 is a reminder of the power of your daily routine. When you shift your habits, your world changes. If you’ve been giving more than you’re receiving back in work or in a particular relationship, you’re ready to put yourself first and rebalance the scales. Letting go of bad habits and confronting any conflict that’s been brewing in your world is also a good use of these moonbeams. Mercury enters Libra on October 10, closing the loop on some of your Mercury Retrograde stories. Be mindful of gossip–others may be entrusting you with secrets. This is a reflective period where your mental world turns inward. You’re contemplating the past and some of your patterns.

Magic unfolds behind the scenes on October 18 as Venus in Libra cozies up to Mars in Gemini. Someone who believes in you, an idea you have, or a project you’re hoping to execute sees the potential. It feels like luck is on your side, because today it is. The following day on October 19, the cosmic weather intensifies as the Sun and Venus, both in Libra, clash with Pluto in Capricorn. Self-defeating behaviors and habits come out to play. It’s easy to get caught up in negative thinking. Don’t let self-destructive patterns run the show. Recognize your thoughts and honor your feelings, but know you can choose to release them. This is a powerful day to change your mindset.

The Sun and Venus, both in Libra, share a kiss at the same point in the sky on October 22. When a planet sits in the heart of the Sun, it is reborn. This period of renewal is taking place in your 12th house of solitude, closure, spirituality, and healing. This is a powerful time to focus on your subconscious and reflect on your habits and patterns. Which ones are harmful and which ones are helpful? The way you speak to yourself matters.

The following day, all eyes are on you as the Sun and Venus both enter Scorpio. Yes, it's Scorpio season 2022! You’re more than magnetic right now, and you can charm just about anyone you please. This is a fabulous time for a makeover or to refocus on your personal ambitions and goals. Where do you want to be in a year from now? Celebrate all you’ve achieved since your last birthday–you’ve grown so much. You’re attracting attention from others in all areas of your life. Your thoughts are like wands, so be mindful of what you’re hoping to attract.

A New Moon and solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25 illuminates a new path for you. Solar eclipses mark a new beginning and coincide with fated and karmic events. This can signal a personal renewal in your psychology or a physical change. Your identity and sense of self are highlighted. How do you want to show up in the world? Don’t be afraid to share yourself fully and authentically. You’re releasing old stories and beginning again. Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, re-enters Pisces on October 27, bringing a final dose of luck and fortune to the pleasure portion of your birth chart. Sure, a windfall is possible, but this is more of a time to focus on cultivating your joy, pleasure, and hobbies. What lights you up inside? Follow it!

On the same day, Mercury in Libra duels it out with Pluto in Capricorn. Your mind is sharp as ever, but under today’s skies, it may feel easier to give into negative thinking. Do your best to not get caught in a spiral, and instead use this energy to go deeper. Where does this belief or thought pattern come from? Is it even valid? Is it more helpful or harmful? Reflect on your part and what you can do to reframe some of these thoughts.

Mars in Gemini stations retrograde on October 30, stirring up some financial drama. Whether you’re setting a debt or signing a deal, delays and setbacks may be ahead. Mars will remain in this portion of your chart until March of next year, so this isn’t a fleeting moment, but rather an opportunity to rehaul this area of your life. This is also a wonderful time to invest in your healing and engage in therapy of some sort. Spending time with your psyche can lead to breakthroughs.

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