Seth Green Says Bill Murray Dropped Him Into A Trash Can When He Was Nine Years Old

In recent times, multiple people have shared experiences with legendary actor and comedian Bill Murray in which he was allegedly behaving inappropriately.

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David Cannon / Getty Images

Earlier this year, production on Aziz Ansari's directorial debut, Being Mortal, was halted after a woman registered a complaint about Bill's on-set behavior.

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In her new memoir, Dying of Politeness, Geena Davis also details multiple instances of alleged inappropriate behavior from Murray that, in retrospect, made her wish she "walked out" of her audition for the 1990 comedy Quick Change.

closeup of Geena
Santiago Felipe / Getty Images

Now, actor Seth Green has shared an experience he had with Bill when he was a child extra on the set of Saturday Night Live.

closeup of Seth

Bill appeared on SNL from 1977 to 1980 and he's since returned to host the show several times.

Steve Granitz / FilmMagic / Getty Images

During an appearance on the Good Mythical Morning show, Seth revealed that the comedian allegedly picked him up by the ankles and dropped him in a trash can when he was nine years old.

According to Seth, the incident happened when Bill was hosting a 1981 episode of the long-running sketch comedy show.

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Rodin Eckenroth / Getty Images

“[Murray] saw me sitting on the arm of this chair and made a big fuss about me being in his seat,” Seth said. “And I was like, ‘That is absurd. I am sitting on the arm of this couch. There are several lengths of this sofa. Kindly eff off.’ And he was like, ‘That’s my chair.’”

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David Cannon / Getty Images

At the time, Seth's mother suggested he give Bill the full couch, but he wasn't budging.

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Raymond Liu / ABC via Getty Images

“Are you this much of a jerk?" he remembers thinking. "This rude to tell a nine year old to get out of your chair. What is this power play?”

bill wearing a beret
Oisin Keniry / Getty Images

At that point, Seth claims, Bill "picked me up by my ankles” and held him "upside down" over a trash can. "He was like, ‘The trash goes in the trash can.’ And I was screaming, and I swung my arms, flailed wildly, full contact with his balls."

bill smiling in the stands
Ray Mcmanus / Sportsfile via Getty Images

"He dropped me in the trash can, the trash can falls over. I was horrified. I ran away, hid under the table in my dressing room, and just cried.”

seth at an event
Paul Archuleta / Getty Images

You can watch Seth's entire interview here.