Sharon Osbourne Calls Ashton Kutcher A 'Dastardly Little Thing,' Says He's The Rudest Celebrity She's Met

Sharon Osbourne Calls Ashton Kutcher A 'Dastardly Little Thing,' Says He's The Rudest Celebrity She's Met
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  • Sharon Osbourne appears to have a lot of thoughts about Ashton Kutcher.

  • Sharon was asked to name the rudest celebrity she's ever met while playing a game of "Stir the Pot" with daughter Kelly Osbourne for E! News.

  • Sharon came for Ashton, saying "Yes. Dastardly little thing."

Today in unexpected celebrity feuds, Sharon Osbourne appears to have a lot of thoughts (none of them good!) about Ashton Kutcher.

Sharon was asked to name the rudest celebrity she's ever met while playing a game of "Stir the Pot" with Kelly Osbourne for E! News and mused, "The guy that’s married to an actress and he used to do That 70s Show." Kelly then said, "Oh, Ashton Kutcher? Really?" prompting her mom to say THIS:

"Yes. Oh, rude, rude, rude, rude little boy."

Which apparently shocked Kelly because she shot back another "really?" and Sharon once again came for Ashton, saying "Yes. Dastardly little thing."

TRULY need to know what the beef between Ashton and Sharon is, but sadly she didn't elaborate. However, Page Six points out that this isn't actually the first time Sharon's come for Ashton. Apparently, she went on Larry King in 2018 and said, "I didn’t get on with one guy, that Ashton Kutcher. Didn’t get on with him at all."

She added that Ashton had a "bad attitude" and was "pissed" because she forgot his name: "He comes on with an attitude, and he goes, ‘What have you done in this industry?’ And I was like, ‘Kid, don’t start with me because I’m going to eat you up and shit you out.' I was just like, ‘You don’t know what you’re dealing with kid.’"

Wow, have been rendered speechless, goodbye.

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