The Sky Today, July 17, 2023

At 5:49 a.m.: Mercury is square Jupiter

In the morning, Mercury squares off with Jupiter, impeding our concentration. Mercury in Leo is concerned with the minutiae of our daily interactions. It delights in conversation. It asks us to sell ourselves, find admirers for our ideas, and express the bold, passionate thoughts which pass through our minds from moment to moment.  Meanwhile, Jupiter in Taurus asks us to focus on the broad strokes. It’s concerned with the logic and rationale of the big picture. When these two clash, we risk coming off as arrogant, especially if we refuse to take others’ perspectives into account. This is one of those transits where we can fall in love with the sound of our own voice!  Talking out of turn or claiming to have knowledge or expertise that we do not possess are risks. We can also easily become distracted and lose the thread of our argument entirely. However, with a bit of self-awareness, we should be able to sidestep the worst of this transit’s ill effects. 

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At 11:32 a.m.: The moon is conjunct the sun

Before noon, the Cancer new moon kicks off a new cycle in emotional manifestation! Today, conduct a personal check-in. How are you feeling? Like, at your core? This moon is all about identifying what makes us feel safe, supported, and secure. It asks us to prioritize our physical and emotional well-being; to quit putting self-care off as if it is a lifestyle bonus and not an essential. Boundaries are especially important now, so include them in your intention-setting checklist!  The Cancer new moon is an occasion to let go and release. Yet this may seem like quite the challenge, as everything in our reality seems to be pulling us back to the past! The new moon opposes transformational Pluto, suggesting that challenges experienced over the next two weeks should be viewed as an initiation. For our evolution, we must reevaluate what conflicts we allow to define us. Certain grudges and resentments must be let go, but they can only be transmuted through confrontation.  Meanwhile, a square to wounded-healer asteroid Chiron dredges up painful baggage, causing us to feel insecure and anxious. Once again, these aspects are meant to function as medicine. We cannot become truly strong in ourselves unless we take our power back from the forces, either literal or psychological, which are keeping us small.  Fortunately, the moon also makes harmonious aspects to both Uranus and Neptune, reminding us that innovation and imagination are tools in our arsenal. It can be scary to let go of the past, and all the coping mechanisms that have provided us with a false sense of security. However, this is a chance for a fresh start!

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