Sources Call Tristan Thompson a "Serial Cheater"

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan


Sources close to Khloé Kardashian say that Tristan Thompson's cheating scandal “has been a long time coming.”

Tristan was spotted this weekend at PH-D nightclub in New York City getting very close to another girl, and there's a video that makes it look like they're kissing. This footage surfaced yesterday. Then, TMZ dropped more videos of the NBA star allegedly cheating from back in October. Basically, it's looking really bad for Tristan.

An insider close to the family says they're not surprised by these revelations. “Tristan has been consistently cheating on Khloé,” the source told People. “He’s a serial cheater. And there will be more women to come out of the woodwork.” That's pretty... ominous.