Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Closed Beta Announced

Suicide Squad team picture

The upcoming Suicide Squad game doesn’t look great, but we’re quietly holding our breath and hoping for a miracle — that it might actually be good. Pretty soon, we might be able to find out, despite the game still being a few months off, as WB Games has announced a closed beta for the game.

The closed beta for Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League – which WB Games calls a closed alpha tech test – will run from November 30 at 6am PST through to December 4 at 12 midnight PST, and will let players experience a small section of the game. WB Games stresses that it won’t necessarily be representative of the final experience, because the game is still in development.

The Suicide Squad closed beta will be available on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam – as you’d expect – although it’s recommended that you use a controller if you play on PC for the best experience. It’s also highly confidential, with WB Games saying that talking about the test “will result in damage to the launch plans for the game.”

“Posting (or streaming) images/screenshots, videos, or any text-based impressions of your experience online, via social media, or in any public forum is strictly prohibited, as is speaking to press outlets or content creators in any way,” the test’s terms and conditions read, “Keep in mind, all gameplay is watermarked with a unique identifier tied to your account.”

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will let you play as Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, and Harley Quinn.<p>WB Games</p>
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will let you play as Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, King Shark, and Harley Quinn.

WB Games

Registering for the test is pretty simple, all you have to do is head on over to the signup page here, log in to your WB Games account – or create one if you don’t have one already – and fill out the questionnaire, including picking the platform you intend to play on. After that, it’s just a waiting game.

WB Games started showing off Suicide Squad again earlier this month after a disastrous first showing of the game back in February. Gameplay for the Arkham Knight sequel was shown off during a PlayStation State of Play, and was almost universally derided by DC Comics fans.

It was subsequently delayed a couple months later, with the game’s release date pushed back eight months from May 26, 2023 to February 2, 2024. So far, it’s still set to be released in early February, and we expect it’ll probably keep that release date.

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