A Sweaty, Shirtless Tennis Player at the U.S. Open Has Fans Crying Double Standard

[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Dress code or no, Serena "aka queen" is showing up and showing out-in more ways than one. [MUSIC]

Before we dig into it, we are pleased to report Novak Djokovic — a Very Sweaty Man — was looking like an absolute snack last night.

Behold, the shirtless photos in which the Serbian tennis player is seen completely feeling himself:

Some context for the curious: During a match against Australia's John Millman on Wednesday evening, Djokovic had some time to himself while his opponent asked to please be excused as he swapped out his sopping wet look for some fresh attire (anyone in New York knows that last night was steamy as hell, but unfortunately the rest of us were not afforded the luxury of pressing pause on our work obligations to freshen up). He was so sweaty he reportedly couldn't get the extra balls out of his pocket.

Meanwhile, Djokovic chilled shirtless on the sidelines, as discussed above. A reminder:

If you've been paying attention to the U.S. Open, you'll recall that last week, French player Alize Cornet was cited for "unsportsmanlike conduct" after she returned to the court following an outfit change, realized her top was on backwards, and switched it around. If you haven't been paying attention, we'll sum up in one word the outcry from the general public (but particularly the feminist corners of the general public): Rage.

"Ridiculous!" cried Tracy Austin, a former U.S. Open champ. "We see a full covering sports bra — big deal. Men change their shirts multiple times a match."

Which brings us back to Djokovic. Following his thirst-trap shirtless display on the court, many fans were left wondering, "whoa, wait a sec, how is that okay, when Cornet's mid-match switcharoo is not?"

RELATED: Every Detail of Venus and Serena Williams's Outfits as They Went Head-to-Head

Jill Ciminillo put it more eloquently. "So @usopen this is ok, but a girl in a tank top raises eyebrows?" she tweeted. "@DjokerNole is attractive and all, but #doublestandard." Others echoed the sentiment.

In case you missed it, this isn't the first time that various international tennis associations have come under fire for sexist policing of women's ensembles. Just last week, the President of the French Open, Bernard Giudicelli, issued a statement revealing that the tournament would be changing its dress codes for the 2019 event, specifically citing Serena Williams now-infamous catsuit as an example of what wouldn't be allowed. "You have to respect the game and the place," he told Tennis Magazine.

The debacles have led some to decry the tennis court as the next battleground for feminism. If it means more Serena in catsuits and/or tutus, plus, you know, advancing the feminist agenda, we're game.