What's The Most "In Poor Taste" Thing You've Ever Seen Someone Do At A Wedding?

Though weddings are meant to be joyous celebrations of love, let's face it: They often bring out the worst in people. From bridezillas and groomzillas to unruly guests, weddings can be hotbeds of chaos. Some people seemingly forget how to act like decent human beings as soon as they set foot in a wedding reception.

People at a wedding watching the bride and groom kiss
Fg Trade / Getty Images

Perhaps you watched the groom's mother continuously eyeball the wedding cake before the cake cutting ceremony. While the bride and groom were occupied with other guests, you saw the groom's mother sneak over to the cake and cut herself a piece from the back.

A dismantled wedding cake with cake toppers leaning on it
Rubberball / Getty Images

Maybe one of the bridesmaids kept hogging the wedding photographer and asking for shots of just her and her boyfriend dancing, posing, clinking glasses, etc. The photographer kept trying to get away to capture the actual events of the reception, but the same bridesmaid kept finding them and demanding more pictures.

A photographer taking a photo of a couple at a wedding
Neustockimages / Getty Images

Or, perhaps your cousin let her gaggle of small children run into the center of the dance floor during your first dance with your new husband, and when you later asked her why the heck she let her kids do that, she said, "They would've started screaming if I didn't let them dance. I figured this was less disruptive!"

A little girl dancing on the dance floor
Lisa5201 / Getty Images/iStockphoto

What's the most entitled thing you've ever seen someone do at a wedding? Tell us your story in the comments or submit anonymously using this form for a chance to be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.