Texas Girl With Cerebral Palsy "Steals" Base At Houston Astros Game

Oakland Athletics vs Houston Astros
Oakland Athletics vs Houston Astros

Houston Astros/Cato Cataldo

A 10-year-old Texas girl used a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to prove that anything is possible.

Last month, Mary Kathryn, who was born with dyskinetic spastic quadriplegic cerebral palsy, got to steal a base at a Houston Astros game.

"Her doctors basically gave us no hope," her mother Kalyn Burnaman told KHOU11. "They told us she wouldn't be able to eat, she won't be able to talk, she won't be able to walk, she'll need help for the rest of her life."

But Mary Kathryn's family didn't give up. Instead, they committed themselves to helping her learn to walk.

"We've literally been in therapy since she was three months old," Burnaman told the local news station.

When they approached the Astros about giving Mary Kathryn the opportunity to steal a base like other kids do between innings at Minute Maid Park, they braced themselves for a "no."

"There's a lot of times we're told she can't do something because it's not accessible, or it's a liability, or it's too hard," Burnaman told KHOU11.

To their surprise, the Astros agreed.

On September 17, after thousands of hours of therapy, Mary Kathryn got the chance to prove everyone wrong. The crowd cheered as she successfully stole a base.

"I think they see a kid who is typically in a wheelchair that shouldn't be able to do the things that she can do and she basically ran to steal the base," Burnaman said.

"She's just like everybody else," she continued. "It just takes a little bit of accommodation and modification."

Go Mary Kathryn, go!