TikTok's Favorite Laniege Lip Sleeping Mask is Almost Half-Off on Amazon

laneige lip sleeping mask
Laneige's Lip Sleeping Mask in On Sale at AmazonCourtesy

Commitment doesn't scare me until we start discussing lip products. While I'm a known lip gloss obsessive, sometimes a glossy finish doesn't always translate to nourishing, soothed lips. Carmex—which soothes and moisturizes my lips with its tingly formula, all for $3—has had my heart since high school. But then, I joined the "lip sleeping mask" bandwagon, and life was forever changed. All credit goes to the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask, of course.

You've probably seen the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask on TikTok or your friend's bathroom vanity. But don't be intimidated by the word "mask." In essence, it's intended to be a treatment that works overtime to hydrate your lips while you sleep. A buttery, cushiony blend of vitamin C and antioxidants is delivered with each stroke of the lip treatment.

When touched to the lips, the lip sleeping mask quickly melts down to soothe every crack and break in the skin, and has a slightly creamier texture than your typical lip balm. Then there's the delicious scent, which is incentive enough to buy one because medicated-scented lip balms make me feel too serious. So instead, Laneige's lip treatment lets loose with fruity scents like berry, mango, and vanilla that do the same thing as my favorite minty balms but without the tingling sensation.

Thus, it only makes sense that the viral lip cure would go on sale during Amazon's Prime Early Access Sale. You have two days, October 11 and October 12, to get the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask for a whopping 30 percent off. Stock up on the OG berry scent while it's on sale for just $16, almost half its $24 retail price, or try one of its other signature flavors. A pair of luscious, silky lips is only an Amazon Prime away.

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