These Trials Clips Are Some Of The Most Impressive You'll See All Year

Anyone who has ever ridden a full downhill bike can attest that those things are not the easiest to throw around, even at speed. So, when these videos emerged of Ayato Kimura, a Japanese trials rider, throwing some flat ground tricks on his DH rig, we took notice.

Here is a carousel of clips that are guaranteed to make your head spin more than Kimura's bike.

I know I said it already, but to move around a nearly 40 pound downhill bike with eight inches of front and rear suspension like Ayato does is absolutely wild. Being able to throw a bike like that around on the sort of terrain it was designed for is impressive, but to do what Ayato does in those clips is downright wizardry.

For reference, trials moves like the ones in the video are typically done on a featherweight, fully rigid bike tailor made for bouncing around the urban environment. So, that's why these clips were so incredibly impressive.

So much so, that we would love to see a full downhill bike trials edit from Ayato. Maybe someday!

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