Ty's Daughter Stole the Show on Tonight's 'Farmer Wants a Wife'

'Farmer Wants a Wife'

Viewers finally got to meet Ty's 12-year-old daughter, Lennon, on tonight's Farmer Wants a Wife, and the kid did not disappoint. After riding onto the show on a horse, she made it clear that while she loves her dad and wants him to be less "lonely," she also knows that she will always be his No. 1 cowgirl. "I know he’ll always love me more," she said with a giggle. "He’ll always choose me.”

She's not wrong. Ty himself said he could "never be in a relationship with someone" who didn't have a "special bond" with his daughter, and that "if [Lennon] doesn’t approve, dad doesn’t approve either.”

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And so Lennon put her father's four remaining suitors to the test by teaching them how to barrel race (a rodeo event that involves navigating a horse around a barrel). One could argue that the real winner of the day was Lennon, for having the patience to show Melody how to ride anything other than the New York City subway. But among the women competing for her father's heart, the frontrunner turned out to be Megan.

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"I’m really not trying to choose favorites, but I love Megan," Lennon said after the competition. The two hit it off talking about 6th grade science, which Megan teaches and Lennon wants to teach. “She was the first one I talked to fully, like going around the barrels, like not just sitting in silence," Lennon told her father.

“[We had] a connection," she added later. "It was like two peas in a pod. She’s so cool."

After dinner, Ty told Megan that she made a good first impression on his daughter, which didn't surprise him because she's “very comforting” and "easy to talk to."

Amy may have had this week's solo date, but the competition is now Megan's to lose.

Farmer Wants a Wife airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on FOX.

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