Utah Avalanche Center Releases Avalanche Statistics From Past Season

Monday, June 19th, the Utah Avalanche Center (UAC) released its annual report, which details seasonal avalanche statistics, organizational goals, and other tidbits of information.

The report, which can be viewed in full at this link, opened with a breakdown of Utah's historically snowy winter.

Statewide, Utah saw 219% of its average snowfall -- a number that makes sense when you consider all the resorts in the state, from Snowbird to Alta, that broke historical snowfall totals this past season.

Unsurprisingly, heaps of snow also meant heaps of avalanches. UAC documented a record 395 human-triggered avalanches. Of these 395, 92 people were caught, 14 were buried, and 3 were killed.

In total, UAC received reports of and documented a staggering 1,188 avalanches.

In the "Season In Review" section of the report, UAC detailed two factors that complicated avalanche mitigation work during the 2023-2024 winter in Utah.

"The first was that avalanches happened in many places where we weren’t accustomed to seeing them, impacting many more people who don’t normally travel in avalanche terrain. The second issue was that avalanches starting at higher elevations could run farther because so much vegetation and terrain roughness was covered."

UAC, which focuses on "providing avalanche forecasting, education, and awareness throughout the State of Utah," offers avalanche education courses, forecasts, and other tools for winter backcountry travelers.

To learn more about the organization, access its forecasts, and sign up for avalanche safety courses (when they open for applicants next winter), check out the UAC website.

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