I’ve Used MasterClass For Years and Their 2-for-1 Membership Deal Is a Perfect Last-Minute Christmas Gift

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It’s the middle of December, which means if you haven’t found the best Christmas gifts for your loved ones yet, chances are you’re struggling a bit. We get it, there are countless gifting options out there, and very few gifts can satisfy the wide array of hobbies and interests the average gift-ee has.

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That’s why I’m recommending MasterClass — a subscription service to a vast array of expert-led courses hosted by celebrities and household names from Kris Jenner to Gordom Ramsey. A few of the courses you’ll encounter on MasterClass’ platform include:

MasterClass 2-for-1 Membership

Starting at $180.00 $360.00 50% off

They have courses across a variety of categories including Food, Design & Style, Music, Sports & Gaming, Science & Tech and Wellness.

Not only can everyone regardless of professional field, experience level or background find something to peak their interest on MasterClass, but it’s a super flexible membership that’ll work in almost anyone’s schedule and lifestyle.

Read More: SPY MasterClass Review

I’ve been using MasterClass for years, and can’t recommend it enough. They’re also offering a limited-time 2-for-1 deal on memberships, so you can gift two loved ones the expertise of household names for the price of one. The best part? This digital gift requires no shipping time and can be delivered instantly, making it a perfect digital and last-minute Christmas gift as well.

MasterClass: A No-Brainer Last-Minute Christmas Gift

You can find my full review of MasterClass linked above, but I wanted to give a few highlights of my experience.

My favorite part of using MasterClass is how each class really does bring you closer to the life experience of the person teaching. Some of the courses contain more hard skills than others, and some are more theoretical than instructional, but they all feel like you’re having a conversation with the expert right in front of you.

The best part of a MasterClass membership is the user-friendly library that makes it super simple to scroll through and find the class you’re amped to take. MasterClass creates an alternative to scrolling on social media, watching trash TV or other mindless activities that aren’t as enriching. If you’ve got a loved one looking to break these habits in 2023, this 2-for-1 deal is a great option.

Read More: The Best MasterClass Courses of 2022

MasterClass 2-for-1 Membership

Starting at $180.00 $360.00 50% off

alicia keys, gordon ramsay, samuel l jackson, neil deGrasse tyson and kris jenner for masterclass on a colorful background
alicia keys, gordon ramsay, samuel l jackson, neil deGrasse tyson and kris jenner for masterclass on a colorful background

Who To Gift MasterClass To

MasterClass can work for a lot of people as a gift, as their hundreds of courses are bound to include something almost anyone can benefit from.

However, in my professional Senior Commerce Editor opinion, this gift is perfect for:

  • Your mom or dad who’s recently retired and never shies away from learning something new

  • Your type A sister who loves to maximize her time

  • Your grandparents who are obsessed with watching things on their iPad

There are a few different MasterClass memberships to choose from, all of which are a part of the 2-for-1 promotion.

MasterClass Memberships:

  • Individual Membership: Up to 1 device viewing at a time, no offline viewing

  • Duo Membership: Up to 2 devices viewing at a time, offline viewing

  • Family Membership: Up to 6 devices viewing at a time, offline viewing

MasterClass 2-for-1 Membership

Starting at $180.00 $360.00 50% off

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