Video of Westie 'Attacking' Vacuum Cleaner Is One for the Record Books

Dogs can be afraid of many different things, especially if they make loud, noisy sounds. Pedro the Westie is a West Highland Terrier, and he is not a fan of when his mom uses the vacuum cleaner. He dislikes it so much that he actually attacks it!

His mom posted a video on Wednesday, March 6th of Pedro's reaction to his mom turning on the Dyson and trying to vacuum the carpet. I say "trying to" because he stands right in front of her and barks and bites at the vacuum as mom tries to move it around! Make sure your sound is up because it sounds like he means business!

I could watch Pedro hilariously attack the vacuum all day! He definitely is not a fan of the noisy Dyson and is protecting his territory! Pedro's fans all thought it was pretty funny too, and added in what some of their dogs do. @Dean Metcalf623 shared, "My little Westie 'Barney' is the opposite and gets out of the way by jumping on the sofa." But one commenter didn't think it was funny at all, "It is not funny, this doggy has a lot of stress", with a sad face emoji. Pedro's mom's reply was perfect, "Pedro is our number 1 priority and is very loved! Thank you for your concern. He just doesn’t like the vacuum!"

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More About Westies

Although I have three kids, my first two babies were fur babies, and they were both West Highland Terriers. I absolutely love this breed! They're very affectionate, always happy and ready to go, and they love to play...not to mention they're super cute, too! They can also be stubborn, and because they are also intelligent, they use their stubbornness to their advantage.

Westies make great family pets and are good with children. Because they're so busy, my kids would chase them around the back yard and wear themselves out too...and added bonus to having an energetic dog!

Westies don't shed a whole lot, but they do shed, but not enough to have to vacuum or sweep up their hair every day. They have a double coat and do require regular brushing and grooming. Grooming can be expensive because their topcoat has to be hand stripped a couple of times a year, and it's not something that I felt comfortable doing myself.

Because they're stubborn, training can also take some time, but they're intelligent and eventually pick it up. Both of my Westies picked up potty training very quickly, which is a good thing when dealing with a puppy.

Westies love to bark and are very vocal...which means that they also make pretty good watch dogs because they love to patrol their homes and yards and will bark at anything! I'd love to get another Westie someday, but until then I'll just follow Pedro.

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