We Want To Hear About The Money Mistake You Regret From Your College Years

For a lot of people, our college years are when we get our first taste of sweet freedom. But unfortunately, this freedom can come with a pretty steep learning curve in the form of money mistakes.

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So if you made a money mistake in college that you regret, we want to hear from you!

Maybe one of your sorority sisters told you about a "great opportunity" to "be your own boss." So you went to a meeting with her and signed up to sell products. You just had to buy a $600 package up front to get started, so you put it on your credit card. Little did you know, it was an MLM company and your school was already super saturated with other sellers. By the time you got out a few months later, you owed more than $1,000 in debt. If you had a do-over, you'd say no thanks to the whole thing.

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Or perhaps you signed up for a few different student credit cards that were advertising on campus and got some free stuff in return. But after swiping your new cards a few times, you didn't stay on top of making payments and ended up crashing your credit score. If you had it to do again, you'd just open one card and pay it every month.

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Or maybe you wish you'd saved more money from your part-time job instead of spending so much on going out. While you still cherish all the memories you have of spending time with your friends, it would've been so nice to have a fully-stocked savings account when you graduated and wanted to move out.

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Tell us about your big college money mistake and what you'd do differently now in the comments below or via this anonymous form and you could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post.