Watch: The 'Jack Ryan' Cast on What They'll Miss Most About Each Other

Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan, which first premiered in 2018, is now in its epic fourth and final season on Prime Video, which means it's time for fans to say goodbye to the show—and for the cast to say goodbye to each other.

Parade caught up with co-stars John Krasinski (who is also a producer on the show), Wendell Pierce and Michael Kelly to see how their farewell tour is going, including what the last day of filming was like for them, what they'll miss most about each other and which song they'd pick if they were ever to do a musical episode. Their responses are nothing short of a delight.

Related: Everything to Know About the Final Season of Jack Ryan

On their last day of filming (video above)

Krasinski: We didn't celebrate until much later. Before that, I cried a lot. I cry at everything to the embarrassment of my kids. So I didn't need much to get weepy, but I think I had put off the reality that the show was coming to an end until that final shot. I probably should have dealt with it a little bit earlier,  but as a good Catholic, waited till the very end until it hit me like a tidal wave.

But it was really intense not only because the show was over, but I actually got the visual of this enormous crew of people that we had been working with for almost two years because we shot seasons three and four back-to-back during the pandemic, so we were a very, very tightly bonded group of people and to see this huge amount of people coming towards you to say goodbye was really, really hard.

It would have been hard enough just to say goodbye to these two guys [Pierce and Kelly] in a bar, but instead it was this big group of people and you really, in that moment not only realize that we were saying goodbye, but also realize the incredible family that we had built. This was a huge, huge group of people that it takes to make a show like this.

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On what they'll miss most about the show 

Wendell Pierce: [Doing the show] was like a travelogue for me. I went on all these adventures...and then John taught me how to drink clean.

Krasinski and Michael Kelly: [Laugh]

Pierce: So drinking clean is—

Kelly: John taught me how to drink clean.

Krasinski: This all sounds awful.

Pierce: We had a lot of fun.

Krasinski: I was gonna say something about how it's amazing to actually be a part of someone's life and "he taught me about drinking clean." Perfect. I was gonna say, "Wow, we are not just co-workers we're actually parts of each other's lives."

Pierce: Yes! We're family.

Krasinski: Drinking clean. That's what he took from this.

Kelly: You know what I'm gonna miss and John's gonna be shocked to hear this, but being—

Krasinski: Breakfast?

Kelly: Breakfast. Definitely the breakfast. We had great breakfasts at our hotel. No, but being challenged...John likes to sometimes write on the fly or the night before he has a great idea. And I get it, he's a lot busier than I am on the show, and so he's wearing a lot of hats. But he'll come and he'll bring me a whole scene on the day sometimes and I'm a weirdo and I like to prepare everything like down to crossing t's and dotting i's. And he's like, "Here, look this. We're just gonna move this here and we're gonna move this here. And here's six new lines, but it's gonna be awesome." I'm gonna miss that man. I'm gonna miss being challenged like that. In the very beginning, I hated it and it threw me off.

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Krasinski: I was gonna say his face betrayed him because on the day, it was a flop sweat and he turned red, and it was red with rage. He was angry at me, not like about me, it was at me.

Pierce: You could not get two opposing ways of working. Mike, he had to have notes in different colors. You know, in red, right? Am I right?

Kelly: Yeah, you are right.

Pierce: [Gesturing writing] This is in red, and this is in blue. And this was with black ink and this is with pencil, you can't write that. And then John would say, "Hey, say this. We're gonna switch that" and [Mike] would just look up [deadpan].

Kelly: But I'm gonna miss it. I'm gonna miss that challenge. I'm gonna miss that. He made me, I never got good at it, but he made me better at it.

Pierce: What you're seeing here is the rapport that we had, and that's what we're gonna miss.

Related: John Krasinski Says Wife Emily Blunt 'Pushes Me To Be Better'

On their song pick for a musical episode

We'll let the video speak for itself.

Next, Move Over, Jim and Pam! All About John Krasinski and Emily Blunt's Marriage