Watch: “Wandering West” Through Undiscovered Indo

When you think about surfing in Indonesia, what comes to mind?

Padang Padang? Keramas? Maybe Macaronis, HTS or Kandui?

This edit is not that.

But Indonesia is about so much more than than just big barrels in Bali and the Mentawais. With over 15,000 other islands, there's still lots of undiscovered zones to surf and explore, which is one of the main drivers of the Drifter Surf crew.

Recently, a few from the Drifter family in Bali — Vera Dewi, Sierra Anderson, and Komang Kopral — joined Arif Mencos for a lap around his unique childhood stomping grounds in Java.

While this isn't your typical high-performance Indo edit, it's a rad look at a group of stylish surfers traveling in an area of Indo that's a far cry from Bali in basically every way. It's 3-minutes of smooth cross-stepping and nose-riding, with a few shortboard turns and tubes thrown in for good measure. Mostly, it's a reminder to get out and explore.

For more from the trip, click here.


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