Why the 'Irish Mommy' in 'Titanic' Decided to Tell That Devastating Bedtime Story

Photo credit: Paramount Pictures
Photo credit: Paramount Pictures

From Country Living

"And so they lived happily together for 300 years, in the land of Tír na nÓg, the land of eternal youth and beauty." If you weren't crying before Jenette Goldstein delivered that line as the "Irish Mommy" in Titanic, you were crying after it. Here, Goldstein, who'd previously worked with director James Cameron on his 1986 movie Aliens, talks about landing the role, working with "Irish Little Boy" Reece Thompson, and how she wound up telling that bedtime story in particular.

I auditioned after Jim [Cameron] called me up and said, "Why don't you read this script, see if there are any roles you like? The granddaughter's been taken already!" And I looked through, and I said, "Oh, I want that role." When I tell people I was the Irish Mother, they go, "Oh my god." I didn't even have a name. That mother, her focus was making sure her children were calm and happy - knowing they were going to die. I mean, my god, I'm getting chills right now. Those scenes are fantastic.

The very last scene, putting them to bed, was in one way easy and in one way hard. The easy thing was putting myself in that position, because I had gone through the big Los Angeles earthquake in 1994, when my oldest son was five. I was a single parent, my son was in the bed with [me], and it felt like a bomb was going off. I got him out of the bed and stood under the doorway, and he was asleep and I was holding him, and I wanted to scream, but I didn't, because the same thought [that my character has in Titanic] was in my head: We're gonna die. Let him die while sleeping. Don't scream. So that was the easy part. The hard part was, during the scene, trying not to cry.

Jim deals a lot with working-class people. He deals with the idea of the common man being screwed over by the corporation or the delineation between the upper-class and lower-class. Yeah, women and children went first - but it was only the upper-class women and children. So to embody that story right there … it was a great scene.

I think in the script it said, "She tells them a bedtime story." That's all it said. And so I said, "Which one?" I was talking to a lot of the Irish actors [on set] and they said, "You've got to tell them the story of Tír na nÓg," and they wrote out the whole tale for me. It goes so well with the kids - you're going to a place of final rest, where it's youth and beauty.

I'll tell you one thing about the little boy [played by] Reece Thompson: After we do the scene, he goes to me, "So when are we gonna do the next scene?" And I said, "Which one?" And he goes, "The one where we get onto the boats and escape." Oh my god. I was just like, "Uhhhh, talk to your mom."

Photo credit: Courtesy of Jenette Goldstein
Photo credit: Courtesy of Jenette Goldstein

I get asked, "How's James Cameron to work with? I hear he's really gruff." And I say, "Well, let me tell you something: on Titanic, Reece had never been in [a movie], he'd just done a commercial or something, and we're filming that huge scene with all these actors and extras smashing around [when the passengers, including the Irish family, are trying to get out of steerage], and we do the first take, and then Jim goes, "Okay, cut. We're gonna go again." And Reece goes, [sounding upset and confused] "Why? What?" And then James comes and he says, "Everyone quiet. I want everyone to be quiet." And he goes right to Reece, "Let me tell you how this works." Jim just got down really close to him, like no one else was there, like a zillion-dollar movie wasn't being made. His attention was just on Reece. So sweet.

Jim has what's like a theater company of people who've been in his films before and people he's worked with. Aliens was my first film. I'd been a stage actress, but I'd never been in front of a camera. There was an ad in the paper that said, "Open casting call for a film called Aliens. Americans and Canadians who have a British Equity card [proof of membership in the U.K. trade union] apply." I went to drama school in New York and in London, so I had my Equity card. I sent my photo and résumé and got a call to go meet with [producer] Gale Anne Hurd. A green card in Britain is called your "resident alien card," so because they were looking for Americans with British Equity cards, I thought, Oh, maybe the movie is about a little underground [community of] ex-pats - I had no idea. Long story short, they ended up giving me a part in the film [as Private Vasquez]. Jim is incredibly loyal to people. Terminator 2, that one he called and just gave me the role [of Janelle]. Titanic he called me, I auditioned. He doesn't give you the role every time. He called me for the first Avatar and I auditioned, but he cast CCH Pounder.

I've seen Titanic a couple of times - my daughter was absolutely obsessed with it. But it wasn't because of me, it was because of Leonardo DiCaprio! What I remember about the movie was that the set was incredible. Everything was life-sized and all the pictures of the actual people were there beside the actors who were playing them. You were inside this massive, 3-D experience. You'd go down hallways and hallways, and the strangest thing was sometimes you'd go down and you'd see a cameraman. That was like, "Oh! Oh yeah." There was no acting necessary.

Titanic turns 20 on December 19. Read more anniversary articles here.

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