Why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Have Scaled Back on the PDA

Sure, being a member of the royal family comes with some serious perks (hello, tiaras), but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. With so many rules and protocols to follow, it can be hard to keep track of what’s allowed and what isn’t.

Case in point: While Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are typically not ones to shy away from PDA (see exhibit A. And B. And C), they kept their hands to themselves during an appearance at the queen’s Young Leaders Awards Ceremony last week. Why so shy? Because the queen was in attendance.

There is no royal law that forbids future monarchs (or sixth-in-line-to-the-throne princes) from showing affection. However, Queen Elizabeth II has set a precedent that encourages royals to keep things profesh while they’re on duty (being a royal is a job, you know.)

But don’t worry—the duo isn’t likely to resort to Prince William and Kate Middleton levels of professionalism. In fact, the newlyweds were seen holding hands yesterday while arriving at the “Your Commonwealth” Youth Challenge (where Her Majesty was not in attendance). Also spotted? The Duchess of Sussex donning an eye-catching and totally stunning dress for the occasion.

You know how the saying goes: When the grand-MIL is away, bright colors and canoodling come out to play.

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