The Witcher Producer Slams Audience Attention Spans

The Witcher: Season 3 has come and gone, with Netflix delivering another solid run of dramatic fantasy action. Now its creators are feeling a bit more free to share their thoughts on the show.

In a recent interview, originally published on Polish website Wyborcza and translated by Redanian Intelligence, executive producer Tomek Baginski spoke about the challenges in tailoring the source material for a new demographic.

“When a series is made for a huge mass of viewers, with different experiences, from different parts of the world, and a large part of them are Americans, these simplifications not only make sense, they are necessary."

"It’s painful for us, and for me too, but the higher level of nuance and complexity will have a smaller range, it won’t reach people. Sometimes it may go too far, but we have to make these decisions and accept them.”

Baginski also talked about the dwindling attention spans of modern day audiences, saying “those people grew up on TikTok and YouTube, they jump from video to video,” he said. “What you do to yourself makes you less resilient for longer content, for long and complicated chains of cause and effect.”

At least the critics were pleased. Here’s The Witcher: Season 3 review roundup