Wolf Tooth adds ReMote Drop Bar Lever for Gravel Dropper Seatposts

wolf tooth components drop bar dropper seatpost remote lever for gravel bikes
wolf tooth components drop bar dropper seatpost remote lever for gravel bikes

If you’re adding a mechanical dropper seatpost on your gravel bike and need a lever to actuate it, WTC has a new option. The new Wolf Tooth ReMote Drop Bar Lever lets you pull cable from any hand position. And it’s compatible with any standard drop bar and most mechanical dropper seatposts.

It mounts inside the bar, out of the way of your brake lever and front shifter (if you’re riding a 2x drivetrain). The design clamps around the drops, and the closure sits away from the lever to keep the thumb and finger paddles closer to the bar.

wolf tooth components drop bar dropper seatpost remote lever for gravel bikes
Pull it up with your fingers while riding on the hoods…

The lever rotates on two 11mm Enduro cartridge bearings, not bushings. This makes it super smooth, and super solid, with no flex when pushing or pulling.

wolf tooth components drop bar dropper seatpost remote lever for gravel bikes
…or push it down with your thumb when riding in the drops.

The cable attaches with a bolt on the bottom of the pivot, and the end tucks in behind the front wing. All parts are available separately, too, sticking with their Right to Repair philosophy.

wolf tooth components drop bar dropper seatpost remote lever for gravel bikes
wolf tooth components drop bar dropper seatpost remote lever for gravel bikes

Weight is 37g, excluding cable and housing. They recommend adding an inline barrel adjuster, it doesn’t have on built in like their mountain bike ReMote dropper levers. MSRP $64.95, black only.


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