I wound up in the hospital on my wedding day — don’t make the same mistake I did

(Left) Mary Greenwell, 27, from Boston, Kentucky, and husband Blake, 30, in the emergency room. (Right) Greenwell giving Blake a piggyback ride. (Inset) Greenwell's broken ankle.
Bride Mary Greenwell, 27, from Boston, Kentucky, was rushed to the emergency room on her October 2019 wedding day after attempting to give 300 pound husband, Blake, 30, a piggyback ride.

Through sickness and health came a bit sooner than they’d hoped.

Just one hour after saying “I do,” bride Mary Greenwell found herself on the ground screaming, “My ankle! My ankle! My ankle!”

Bride breaks ankle giving 300 pound husband a piggyback ride. KennedyNews/LasleyMedia
Bride breaks ankle giving 300 pound husband a piggyback ride. KennedyNews/LasleyMedia

The newlywed had suffered a severe fracture following an ill-fated piggyback she’d given her six-foot, 300-pound groom, Blake.

Greenwell’s ankle swelled up almost immediately after her fall. KennedyNews/LasleyMedia
Greenwell’s ankle swelled up almost immediately after her fall. KennedyNews/LasleyMedia

“Pretty immediately I knew my ankle was broken, it was like it happened in slow motion,” Greenwell, 27, from Boston, Kentucky, told Kennedy News of her Oct. 2019 ceremony-turned-crisis.

Standing at a petite five feet, three-inches, the brunette and her husky hubby were posing for silly post-nuptial pics when the Blake playfully hopped on her back, inciting the intense injury.

“I didn’t hear a snap but I could feel a burn in my left ankle,” said Greenwell. “I remember saying ‘My ankle is broken!’”

“I don’t think people thought I was serious at first — but then they saw how swollen it was.”

Greenwell and Blake had planned to party with wedding guests at their reception before she suffered the broken bones. KennedyNews/KelseyMattingly
Greenwell and Blake had planned to party with wedding guests at their reception before she suffered the broken bones. KennedyNews/KelseyMattingly

Unfortunately, big-day blunders have sent many a blushing bride rushing off to the nearest emergency room.

Catherine Franks was in need of serious medical attention after repeatedly collapsing from dehydration during her July 2023 hitching.

And rather than a honeymoon suite, Houston couple Paolo Mugnaini and Valerie Ybarra spent their January 2024 wedding night in a hospital’s Intensive Care Unit after falling 25 feet through the floor of their Italian reception hall.

“I started screaming, calling Valerie, my wife,” recalled Mugnaini. “She was unresponsive and she seemed to have disappeared. I feared that she had been buried by the rubble.”

Wedding day mishaps have recently caused a number of brides and grooms physical harm. KennedyNews/LasleyMedia
Wedding day mishaps have recently caused a number of brides and grooms physical harm. KennedyNews/LasleyMedia

Greenwell’s husband was, too, concerned about his bride’s well-being after her ankle cracked under his weight.

“Obviously Mary was very upset and I was very worried about my new wife,” Blake, 30, told Kennedy News. “It’s more the fact that me falling is what broke her ankle. I kind of blame myself.”

After the fall, Greenwell was forced to bid an early farewell to her 150 wedding guests, leaving the invitees to enjoy their $7,000 after-party and speeding off to the hospital — where she was forced to stay until 2:00 a.m.

Blake says he blames himself for sending his new bride to the hospital. Kennedy News and Media
Blake says he blames himself for sending his new bride to the hospital. Kennedy News and Media

“I definitely got some funny looks sitting in the ER in my wedding dress,” said the bride, who pouted in pain while waiting to see the doctor.

Greenwell’s grimace only worsened when physicians discovered she’d broken her ankle in two places and was in need of surgery. Specialists drilled 12 screws and a plate into her ailing ankle.

But the millennial didn’t care much about the damage to her body.

Greenwell and Blake were told that she’d broken her ankle in two places following their silly stunt. Kennedy News and Media
Greenwell and Blake were told that she’d broken her ankle in two places following their silly stunt. Kennedy News and Media
Greenwell was most upset about missing the fun of her $7,000 wedding reception. Kennedy News and Media
Greenwell was most upset about missing the fun of her $7,000 wedding reception. Kennedy News and Media
To mend the break, doctors were forced to implant several screws and a specialized plate into Greenwell’s ankle. Kennedy News and Media
To mend the break, doctors were forced to implant several screws and a specialized plate into Greenwell’s ankle. Kennedy News and Media

“I wasn’t upset that my ankle was broken,” confessed Greenwell. “I was more upset that we had put so much time, money, effort into planning a whole wedding and we had to miss that.”

However, the kooky couple refused to miss their honeymoon vacation to Disney World. Greenwell and Blake took the lover’s trip to the Florida-based amusement park just six weeks after the incident.

The bride rolled around the magical theme park in a scooter. Kennedy News and Media
The bride rolled around the magical theme park in a scooter. Kennedy News and Media

A convalescing Greenwell rode around the attractions on a mobility scooter.

“At the time I was really upset we missed out on it,” she said. “But now I’ve been able to look back and kind of laugh.”