Xbox Is Building an “AI Copilot” for Game Designers

Xbox is working on an “AI design copilot” to help developers create new games for the console. The company has teamed up with startup Inworld AI for a multi-year partnership that will see them join forces for the project.

Most games today utilize some form of AI, whether it’s as simple as Pac-Man or as complex as the world of Grand Theft Auto. With the planned AI toolset, Xbox wants to provide developers with the means to improve dialogue, storylines and quest design.

Drawing on Microsoft’s network of AI solutions partners, the toolset will contain an AI copilot for assistance in given tasks, such as turning a prompt into a script. It’ll be joined by an AI engine, which serves to integrate AI-generated narratives, dialogue and story elements into the actual game.

“We want to help make it easier for developers to realize their visions, try new things, push the boundaries of gaming today and experiment to improve gameplay, player connection and more,” Xbox General Manager of Gaming AI Haiyan Zhang wrote in a blog post.

For the effort, Xbox plans to collaborate with both developers in-house and third-party creators.

In other gaming news, Snoop Dogg and his son are launching Death Row Games.