17 Palestinians dead in Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis

17 Palestinians dead in Israeli airstrike in Khan Younis

An Israeli airstrike killed at least 17 people in the southern Gaza city of Khan Younis on Tuesday, Palestinian officials said, as talks on a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas ended without a breakthrough.

First responders with the Civil Defense circulated footage of rescuers pulling dead and wounded people from the rubble of a house, including a child with blood on his face who was not moving. The nearby European Hospital said Tuesday that it had received 17 bodies overnight.

The Israeli military said in a statement that it was carrying out targeted raids on militant infrastructure in Khan Younis while trying to evacuate civilians from the area.

The latest fatalities brought the overall Palestinian toll from the nearly five-month war to 30,631, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. It does not differentiate between civilians and combatants in its figures but says women and children make up around two-thirds of the total casualties. It says over 72,000 people have been wounded.

US and Jordan air drop aid supplies

The United States and Jordan have carried out another humanitarian airdrop over the northern Gaza Strip, which has been largely isolated by Israeli forces for months.

U.S. Central Command says Air Force C-130 aircraft dropped 36,800 meals over northern Gaza on Tuesday, the second U.S. airdrop since Saturday.

Aid groups say they can no longer distribute food aid in northern Gaza because of the breakdown of law and order there.

Aid groups say airdrops are a costly, last-ditch measure that cannot substitute for land deliveries. They have called for a humanitarian cease-fire and for Israel to open up crossings into northern Gaza.

Up to 300,000 Palestinians are believed to have stayed in northern Gaza, the first target of Israel’s offensive after Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, despite repeated Israeli evacuation orders. Many are now surviving by eating animal fodder and foraging for food in demolished buildings. The U.N. says a quarter of Gaza’s population of 2.3 million people are starving.

The Israeli military says it places no limits on the amount of humanitarian aid entering Gaza. But aid groups say distribution is severely hampered by ongoing hostilities, the difficulty of coordinating with the Israeli military and the breakdown of security after Israeli airstrikes drove the Hamas-run police force from the streets.

UNICEF says at least 10 children have died in northern Gaza due to malnutrition and dehydration

At least 10 children have reportedly died in isolated northern Gaza because of dehydration and malnutrition, UNICEF said.

Adele Khodr, the UNICEF regional director for the Middle East and North Africa, said in a statement Monday that “there are likely more children fighting for their lives somewhere in one of Gaza’s few remaining hospitals, and likely even more children in the north unable to obtain care at all.”

She added that “these tragic and horrific deaths are man-made, predictable and entirely preventable.”

The Gaza Health Ministry said Sunday that 15 children had starved to death at Kamal Adwan Hospital in northern Gaza and that another six in the intensive care unit were at risk of dying from malnutrition and dehydration. It was not clear if the children had underlying medical conditions that increased their vulnerability.

Across Gaza, more than 576,000 people – a quarter of the population – are a step away from famine, the U.N. says. Northern Gaza has been especially hard-hit. Several hundred thousand Palestinians are believed to remain there, and many have been reduced to eating animal fodder to survive. The U.N. says one in six children under 2 in the north suffer from acute malnutrition.