5 THINGS TO KNOW: Election Day laws and reminders from the election board

Jun. 18—The Oklahoma State Election Board provides information to remind voters of Election Day laws for the June 18 primary elections.

1 Does Oklahoma laws address taking photos in a polling place?

While ballot "selfies" or taking photographs of a marked ballot are legal, voters may not share or distribute the image through social media or by any other means while inside the election enclosure.

2 When can voters post or share such pictures?

Voters must wait until they leave the polling place before posting or sharing the picture with anyone. Improper use of the photo could result in a violation of the law. Voters may not use the image to coerce, influence or intimidate another voter.

3 Are there any other restrictions on conduct inside the election enclosure?

It is illegal to disclose how you voted with anyone while inside the election enclosure. In addition, you may not remove a ballot from a polling place.

4 What about campaigning near a polling place?

Keep in mind that electioneering is prohibited within 300 feet of any ballot box while an election is in progress. This includes wearing or bringing visible campaign paraphernalia into the election enclosure. No one except election officials are allowed within 50 feet of any ballot box on election day.

Certain exceptions are made for the media, press and those assisting disabled voters.

5 What should someone who believes an election law has been violated do?

Voters who believe an election law has been violated should contact precinct officials and/or the Pittsburg County Election Board at 918 423-3877.

—McAlester News-Capital