ABAC sees off 350 students in spring graduation

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May 9—TIFTON — Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College welcomed 350 of their students to the next chapter of their lives during their spring graduation ceremony Thursday, May 9.

The event split the graduating student body across two ceremonies, with students of the School of Nursing and Health Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, and those receiving associate degrees taking part in a morning ceremony, and the students of the School of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Stafford School of Business receiving their degrees in the afternoon.

As the ceremony began, ABAC president Dr. Tracy Brundage expressed her pride and admiration for the assembled students before her, and assured them this was but the first step to springboard them into their bright futures.

Brundage fondly recounted the stories alumni had shared with her in the past, citing it as proof their time at the school had been precious to them and expressing confidence that this newest set of graduates would offer their own anecdotes one day, but encouraged them at the same time be aware of their present and look to their future rather than stay too rooted in the past.

"Today you graduate — soak up the moment," Brundage said. "Tomorrow, the rest of your life is waiting."

Afterwards, she invited Georgia Supreme Court Justice John Ellington, guest speaker and ABAC alumnus himself, to offer a few words to the graduates.

Ellington asserted that the students must always be honest and integrous, stating there were no substitutes for such qualities, and urged them to think on whatever situation they might find themselves in instead of rushing in headlong.

He also stressed the importance of serving others and the greater community, remarking that serving others was a powerful means of improving one's own life and hoping that the graduating students would go above and beyond in providing that service to their communities.

"I suggest to you that it's simply not enough for us to learn lessons, earn degrees and diplomas," Ellington said. "We have an obligation to share it with the next generation."

Brooke Patry, ABAC Student Government Association president, then took the stage, encouraging the students to savor the moment and reflect on each and every memory, challenge, celebration, and connection they encountered during their time at ABAC and how those experiences have molded them into who they are today and who they will become tomorrow.

"As your SGA president, I have had the opportunity to witness the incredible spirit that defines our student body," Patry said. "As we step into the next chapter of our lives, let us carry that spirit and those values with us; I am confident each and every one of you will achieve remarkable things. Our potential is limitless — let's go out into this world and show them what the ABAC spirit is all about: perseverance, determination, and the commitment to making good friends. Here's to the incredible journey that lies ahead."

Following this, graduates were invited to turn their tassels, Brundage proudly recognizing them after doing so as the college's graduating student body of spring 2024.

Students were then called by Mike Chason, ABAC director of public relations emeritus, to receive their diplomas from Brundage. Once all degrees had been distributed, Chad Hancock, vice president of the ABAC Alumni Association, proudly welcomed the graduates to the ranks of the college's alumni, and wished them the best on wherever their future endeavors would take them.

Agricultural Education major Ivey Cook was given special recognition as the recipient of the spring 2024 David and Kim Bridges Award, honoring not only her academic excellence, but her heavy involvement in ABAC's culture and community, including serving as an ABAC Ambassador, an SGA Senator, and a member of the Stallion Society, the Collegiate Future Farmers of America, and the Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow.

Brundage offered the graduates the opportunity to enjoy the campus as both graduation ceremonies came to a close, noting that it was a particularly beautiful day for them to take photos or make memories on the college's grounds, now for the first time as its alumni.