Are there any angel number dates in 2024? 11 lucky dates to look for in April

Do you believe in angel numbers as a sign of luck, good karma, confirmation or empowerment? Did you feel particularly hopeful on days like 2/2/22 or 2/2/24? Do you make a wish when the clock reads 11:11?

If you’re not interested in numerology, seeing a sequence of repeating numbers might not mean much to you. But if you do believe in lucky numbers, below is a list of dates to watch out for.

Here’s a quick introduction to what numerology and angel numbers are and 11 lucky dates in April 2024.

What do angel numbers mean?

Angel numbers typically refer to a sequence of three repeating numbers, like 222, 333, 444, 555 and 777. (666, by the way, is definitely not an angel number.)

“Angel numbers are repeating number sequences, often used as a guide for deeper spiritual exploration,” USA TODAY’s guide to angel numbers says. “These sequences can range from 000 to 999, and each has its own distinct meaning and energy.”

Angel numbers are a part of a belief system called numerology, which assigns energies, intentions and vibrations to letters and numbers.

According to Britannica, numerology uses “numbers to interpret a person’s character or to divine the future. The theory behind numerology is based on the Pythagorean idea that all things can be expressed in numerical terms because they are ultimately reducible to numbers.”

Are there any angel number dates in 2024? Are palindrome numbers lucky?

Although there won’t be an angel number date like 2/2/22 this year, there are 11 lucky dates coming up in April. They’re called palindrome days, which is when the date can be read the same way backward as it is forward. Common palindrome words, for example, are "taco cat," "madam," "radar" and "mom."

Palindrome days are not the same as an angel number day, but they are both considered lucky in numerology.

According to the Farmers Almanac, “Palindrome dates are especially notable because they are rare. For this reason, they are believed to be lucky.”

Palindrome dates in March 2023

Here's a list of 11 palindrome dates that occurred in March 2023.

  • 3/2/23

  • 3/20/23

  • 3/21/23

  • 3/22/23

  • 3/23/23

  • 3/24/23

  • 3/25/23

  • 3/26/23

  • 3/27/23

  • 3/28/23

  • 3/29/23

Palindrome dates in April 2024

Here are the 11 lucky palindrome dates to look for in April 2024:

  • 4/2/24

  • 4/20/24

  • 4/21/24

  • 4/22/24

  • 4/23/24

  • 4/24/24

  • 4/25/24

  • 4/26/24

  • 4/27/24

  • 4/28/24

  • 4/29/24

Palindrome dates in May 2025

In 2025, there will be 11 palindrome dates in May.

  • 5/2/25

  • 5/20/25

  • 5/21/25

  • 5/22/25

  • 5/23/25

  • 5/24/25

  • 5/25/25

  • 5/26/25

  • 5/27/25

  • 5/28/25

  • 5/29/25

Contributing: Jennifer Sangalang, USA TODAY Network-Florida

This article originally appeared on Florida Today: Angel numbers, palindromes: What's a date that reads backward & forward