"Battle of the Kevins" canceled

Jun. 22—The 10th annual Battle of the Kevins fireworks war will have to wait at least another year. It was recently announced that the 2024 duel was canceled.

The Battle began as neighbors Kevin Holland and Kevin Truett shot fireworks across the lake in Byng's Lake Hills neighborhood. But before long, their senses of patriotic pride and friendly competition kicked in, and each year, both Kevins shot more and more fireworks across the lake.

The event, though unofficial, drew huge crowds to the neighborhood, as well as the Byng Fire Department on standby, as well as a regular appearance by an Air Evac Lifeteam helicopter.

The Battle was canceled after an anonymous resident, a Veteran, indicated they were traumatized by the noise.

"I have no interest in placing a hardship on their families due to the medical condition of the Veteran," Holland said, "and prefer to abstain from any further discomfort my love of fireworks could cause him or any others."

Pontotoc County Sheriff John Christian said that while shooting fireworks in Byng is not illegal, he urges residents to be respectful of the wishes of others and said there were other fireworks displays to enjoy during the Independence Day celebration.