New Beaver offered land by Stonecrest

Apr. 30—New Beaver Borough has been offered a 100-acre plot of land.

The question now is whether the borough wants it.

Council President David Hairhoger said John LaCarte, developer of the Stonecrest Business Park on Route 18, offered the land that was once a part of the Stonecrest Golf Course.

"He wants to donate it," Hairhoger said.

The 100 acres is a part of the 213 total acres that LaCarte, president of LaCarte Development Co. Inc., acquired to build the proposed business park.

Hairhoger said the 100 acres he is offering is toward the back and would be difficult to develop on because of a hill, vegetation and water.

"He could never use it. You can never build on there," Hairhoger said.

Hairhoger said LaCarte offered the land a few years ago when he first acquired the property and recently offered it again now that development started.

Hairhoger said while it is ultimately up to the rest of council, he would like to see the borough have the land.

He envisions turning the space into a park with a lookout post on the top of the hill. He also said there is $20,000 worth of timber in the area the borough could use for additional revenue.

"I want to go for it," Hairhoger said.

In other borough news, a portion of Glenkirk Road will be paved.

During its March meeting, borough council approved a $189,577.50 bid from Wampum-based Youngblood Paving to pave the road from Mallory Road to Wampum-New Galilee Road.

The borough will use $50,000 of county liquid fuels funding towards the work.

Council also signed a support letter for Mines and Meadows ATV/RV Resort, which is attempting to get running water and flushable toilets at its facility.