Black River welcomes Anthony Stretar as new superintendent

As Superintendent Chris Clark prepares to retire after dedicating the past 10 years to leading Black River School District, Board of Education members and district staff welcome Anthony Stretar as the new superintendent.

Stretar currently is the principal at Revere Elementary School and will begin his duties as superintendent Aug. 1.

The search, facilitated by the Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA), identified a group of candidates from across the state.

“We followed a thorough process. It included planning with our facilitators, staff and community surveys, school and community focus groups, reference checks, leadership assessments for our finalists, two rounds of interviews with the board of education, and open forums for staff and community members with our finalists," said board President Chuck Stiver in a news release. "The board is excited for this new chapter in our district’s history and looks forward to Anthony Stretar’s strong leadership.

Black River Pirates logo.
Black River Pirates logo.

“Anthony has an open, collaborative leadership approach, and his passion for students and staff is evident. He has led and inspired people over his career, and we know he will build solid relationships with other administrators, staff, students, and business and community members," Stiver said.

“It has been an honor to serve as the superintendent for the past decade," Clark said. "I am confident that Anthony Stretar will continue to lead the district with dedication and vision. His experience and commitment to education will undoubtedly benefit our students and community. I wish him all the best in his new role.”

This article originally appeared on Ashland Times Gazette: Black River picks Anthony Stretar as new superintendent