This city plans to improve safety as more homeless people harass visitors around local shops

The city of Daytona Beach is launching a pilot program that will bring security guards to Beach Street six days a week


This comes after local businesses asked the city for help with what they call an “aggressive” homeless population.

“They say they can’t even walk down here anymore sometimes because of the people harassing them,” said Glenna Doyel, owner of Salon 230, Spa Above and Hatfield’s Hideaway.

City staff has come up with a plan to address at least part of the problem. It includes hiring a security firm that will put two guards along Beach Street during busy hours.

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They won’t be armed but can ask people to move their belongings and will have walkie-talkies to contact police if a situation escalates.

Project Manager for Redevelopment with the City of Daytona Beach, Phebe Fuqua, said the city will be able to track security guard’s activity and have access to their reports.

Fuqua said the pilot program will run from March 25th through May and will cost $25,000 total.

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The city is paying for it with Community Redevelopment Agency funds. Fuqua said it’s a cheaper option than using local law enforcement to work a detail in the area.

“It is all about innovative policing. Other items that we are doing to increase the safety of our citizens, our business owners and our tourists is providing community updates, providing updates with data that is being collected,” said Fuqua.

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