Concerns rise for the impact brutal temps will have on power grid

With a brutal heatwave impacting the Miami Valley, people are concerned about the impact the heat will have on the power grid.

With dangerously high temperatures, people will be doing everything they can to stay cool.

“Because It’s something you shouldn’t be out in, you could have a stroke, your health, you should be in the house and stay cool,” Adrienne White said.

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Everyone will be using their air conditioning more than usual, and there could be a strain on the electrical system.

However, AES leaders told News Center 7 that they believe they are in good shape.

While demand will spike, they’re estimates are still below their record use.

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Which is welcome news to people News Center 7 talked to, just trying to stay cool.

“Really, really hot, so the air conditioners will be on, probably have to buy some more fans,” Maria Worel said.

In an attempt to stay cool, you can keep your shades closed to keep the sun out.