Doctor Who fans are getting tired of the constant mysteries

Series 14 ended with a sinister Mrs Flood monologue.

Doctor Who S1,22-06-2024,Empire of Death,8 - Empire of Death,Ruby Sunday (MILLIE GIBSON),*NOT FOR PUBLICATION UNTIL 0001 HRS, SUNDAY 16TH JUNE, 2024*,BBC STUDIOS 2023,James Pardon
Doctor Who's eighth episode Empire of Death. (BBC Studios/James Pardon)
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Doctor Who's dramatic finale played out on BBC One on Saturday evening, with the arch-villain Sutekh tasting defeat once again before companion Ruby Sunday bowed out.

Across its 54-minute duration, the episode provided viewers with several revelations; despite being banished into an abyss decades ago, the God of Death had secretly clung to the TARDIS and kept an eye on the Time Lord ever since; then, after weeks of mystery the identity of Ruby's mum and dad was finally clarified.

However, the fact that Mrs Flood remains an unknown entity - she appeared atop a roof dressed all in white with a sinister warning - has left multiple fans of the show shaking their fists.

Doctor Who (BBC)
Ruby Sunday, The Doctor and Mel Bush. (BBC)

In a final showdown with Sutekh, the time-travellers (with the help of Mel Bush) managed to drag their species-detesting enemy through the vortex; reversing his 'death wave' in the process and bringing everyone back to life that had crumbled into dust Avengers: Infinity War-style.

Back at UNIT, Ruby discovered that her biological parents were a couple named Louise Miller and William Garnett, who'd had her when they were just teenagers. Having chosen to track down Louise at a coffee shop, Ruby's story was complete as she bid goodbye to life in the TARDIS and looked to build a real family on Earth.

"And that's how the story of The Church on Ruby Road comes to an end, with a very happy ending for little Ruby Sunday," said Mrs Flood, walking into shot as the camera craned up to Ruby's roof. "But life goes on doesn't it, ruthlessly, and what happens you might wonder - 'Oh what happens to that mysterious traveller in time and space known as The Doctor...'

"I'm sorry to say his story ends in absolute terror," teased the old woman with an evil smile. "Night night!"

This was the third time Anita Dobson's character had broken the fourth wall after tantalising moments in prior episodes The Church on Ruby Road and The Legend of Ruby Sunday. She'd also cryptically alluded to "such plans" before disintegrating earlier in the finale.

Mrs Flood dressed all in white. (BBC screenshot)
Mrs Flood dressed all in white. (BBC screenshot)

Posting on social media site X in the immediate aftermath, Whovians seemed mostly frustrated by the constant question marks dangled infront of them.

"Quite possibly the most annoying ending to a Doctor Who series ever..." wrote one individual, before somebody else went on to share: "I don't give a hoot who Mrs 4th-wall breaking Flood is. All I want from the next season is some decent stand-alone monster-of-the-week stories with sound internal logic. No more season-long mystery-box setups and inevitably underwhelming payoffs."

All 8 episodes of the new Doctor Who are available to stream on BBC iPlayer.