Donations hint at likely two-way showdown on abortion this fall

Protests erupted last year in the State Capitol Rotunda during debate over the Let Them Grow Act and the Preborn Child Protection Act. (Zach Wendling/Nebraska Examiner)

OMAHA — Nebraska’s three-way fight over abortion access has gathered more than $4 million in donations, hinting which measures will likely reach the fall ballot.

The two abortion-related ballot initiatives seeking signatures the longest reported raising more than $2 million apiece, Protect Our Rights and Protect Women and Children.

A third, Choose Life Now, announced later, in May, and reported raising $3,900. All three groups have until July 3 to collect 123,000 valid signatures from 10% of registered voters.

Protect Our Rights

The petition from Protect Our Rights aims to enshrine abortion rights in the Nebraska constitution until the age of fetal viability, which is typically between 22-24 weeks gestation.

Its backers say it would keep the decision about the future of a pregnancy between a woman and her doctor. They argue the others risk criminalizing reproductive care.

Critics of the petition say it could put too much power into the hands of medical providers of individual patients, who would then be able to decide the viability of a pregnancy. 

The abortion-rights group reported raising $2.3 million by the end of May, according to campaign finance reports filed with the Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission.

It listed having about $450,000 in cash on hand.

Among the push’s supporters were Planned Parenthood, Nebraska Appleseed Action, Women’s Fund of Omaha, former Omaha Mayor Jim Suttle, and University of Nebraska Regent Barbara Weitz.

Protect Women and Children

The petition from Protect Women and Children seeks to limit how long into a pregnancy abortion is legal, capping it at no more than 12 to 14 weeks gestational age. It allows stricter bans to be passed.

Its backers highlight its exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother. Critics of the petition say its protections are legally vague and would be difficult to access.

The abortion-restrictionist group raised slightly more than $2 million. Much of it came from U.S. Sen. Pete Ricketts, R-Neb., and the extended family of Sandhills Publishing’s Tom Peed.

Ricketts tweeted about hosting signature-gathering events for the petition Thursday in Lincoln, Plattsmouth and Omaha. The group listed having more than $1 million in cash on hand.

Choose Life Now

Choose Life Now is trying to outlaw all abortions by granting “personhood” or the legal status of a child to every fetus at all stages of development. 

Its backers say they want to protect all developing children in the womb. They argue that their faith dictates no exceptions, although they say existing law would protect a mother’s life.

Critics of the petition say it could spur criminal prosecutions of women who pursue abortions or miscarry and that it could lead to child support payments for fetuses.

Its largest donations came from petition sponsor Rose Kohl, $1,500, and from Robert W. Smith of Omaha, $2,000 and Ronald Carrow of Omaha, $500, campaign reports show. 

It listed having $2,500 in cash on hand.

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