Election candidate's team 'attacked' at rail station

A sign saying welcome to Staines and with swans swimming on a river on it
A 37-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of an aggravated public order offence [Local Democracy Reporting Service]

A parliamentary candidate claims he and his team were attacked at a Surrey train station.

Liberal Democrat Harry Boparai said a man had verbally abused one bystander before "attacking" his group.

Surrey Police confirmed officers were called to Staines railway station at around 08:00 BST on Monday to "reports of a man fighting with people and being verbally abusive".

A 37-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of an aggravated public order offence and taken into police custody, a spokesperson said.

Mr Boparai told the BBC: "This isn't about me; this is about a good 50 or 60 people witnessing something horrific first thing in the morning."

He said he felt "really bad" for those on their way to school and to work who witnessed it, and for the "poor person" he alleged had been "verbally abused" by the man beforehand.

British Transport Police is leading an investigating into the incident.

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